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What made you a bandit?

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Myself and 2 other friends tried to run into cherno to get basic gear(food,drinks,whatever) 3 guys on different rooftops started firing at me. they missed all their first shots cuz i got to cover behind a tree and i let one of my buddies engage them. it was about 20 minutes of pure exchanging rounds. we managed to kill 2 of them and unfortunately my leg was exposed and got shot and broke, making me lay out in the open where he finished me. it was one of the best times i ever had on this game so i decided to start chasing after "worthy opponents" although im starting to get bored of the game until standalone is released..

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I became a bandit when someone i wanted to help shot at me, i gave him a bloodbag and a few seconds later he shoots with a makarov at me, breaking my legs

when i made him a corpse with my M14, i decided to only trust people without weapons and take what i need from them, so i became a bandit

if people see me from far away, i take them out

if close up, i take cover and tell them to drop their guns and back off

if they have no weapons, just avoid

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It was a dark rainy night, a rather fitting setting for learning the harsh reality of Chernarus. I had found some guy named zoltan back in one of the updates where you spawned with a gun. We teamed up and soon enough we found another two players. Me and Zoltan being rather new, used the old salute trick and typed friendly. Well they saluted also and said they wanted to go their separate way. So just before we can get out of saluting we both have a makarov mag in our virtual face and a "You Are Dead" screen in front of our real one.

That day is when I swore everyone must pay for their injustices. Since then I have become a vigilante, because one way or another everyone in DayZ has killed in cold blood, and they must pay for their crime. So I'm basically a hypocritical bandit. I have taken the helm of =CHRTB= Nicholas after joining the bandit clan Chernarus Retribution (another very fitting name). I'm a bandit and proud!

CHRTB is recruiting site is chernarusretribution.com

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I'm not really a full fledged bandit - but this is the end of the world we are talking about. If someone has something better that I need in the lawless environment thats presents itself.. IMA GET MINE!

I do enjoy seeking out combat with other squads or players that are experienced. I will follow bambis sometimes to see how they act, and 90% of the time will let them be on their way. I will follow bandits and make sure they are really true bandits before I start to attack them for their gear. Hero skins I leave alone out of respect for the work it took to get them. I'm like a on - off switch for play style, and often am a better person when not playing with buddies, I'll often bypass rather then confront. When my buddies are on though... we lookin' to play...

For that rush - you true bandits know what I'm talking about.

Often its a problem brought on honestly because the end-game is really hard to establish in something like this. If I have everything, and don't need anything... what else is there to do besides hunt zombies for numbers, or players for the rush?

Edited by FinKone

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I got killed by someone who had just given me a blood transfusion...


Most sadistic thing I've seen, it really got me to shoot on sight.

I am not a bandit because I hate, I am a bandit because my trust has been broken far too many times.

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I wanted to be cooperative; although, morality really wears down after dieing a few times from randoms. I used to kill anyone on site for my own safety until i shot a guy in Stary and he pleaded to me not to kill him while unconcious. i apologised and tried to bandage him up but too many Zeds came from the gunshots.

I think i might start avoiding people from now on unless they have rags on their heads.

Edited by Elrico

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Alot of things made me a bandit, I just started near Cherno/Elektro and went there to scavenge, when suddenly found a player that had looted it all

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well, and anotheer things I think, since I don't really like to be killed

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Finding out Dayz Mod made me a bandit. Decided to shoot everyone before playing because i was waiting such game for 2 years. :D

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I became a bandit after quickly upsetting a clan. I was just north of Solnichniy at the time, and noticed a dude wearing camo clothing running towards the town. I decided to not take the chance, and popped him with my M4 ACOG.

After heading down to loot the body, I head M24 fire flying past me. I sprint for the trees, and just before I make it to them, a stray shot hits me straight in the knee, breaking a bone immediately. I thought I was screwed.

I spotted two other players heading towards me. The first one was given a quick brain reconstruction, courtesy of my M4. The other one disappeared into the grass, and I couldn't see him. I could hear his footsteps coming closer.

Luckily, he wasn't wearing any camo, and I noticed his white shirt briefly appear from the grass (I was prone and couldn't stand up, due to broken bones). I immediately hip-fired 2 clips of M4 into that area until he dropped unconscious. After notifying him that his body wouldn't be here when he gets back, I watered the nearby plants with his grey matter.

I looted all three bodies, and identified all three of the same clan. I immediately thought "oh dear", took the stuff and left. I left that firefight with less than 500 blood, so it was a close call.

I spent the next couple of days watching my back, especially if I saw a player with same clan tag. I trusted no one, and killed anything carrying a weapon, or had the ability to do so.

DayZ is full of assholes. If you can't beat them, join them, and become the best asshole there is. ;)

Edited by Scarraban
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I only became a Bandit because other's always killed me, so that is when I became a Bandit which made me survive much longer than I usually did.

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Weeeeeeeeell... I'm not so sure, really. A lot of things kind of came together and pushed me to be a little hostile. Generally, other bandits. I was so fed up with being nice and charitable only to be shot in the leg and left as a scapegoat for the zed. Before I even knew it, I was shooting on sight by reflex. You could say that I was just reacting to past events, but in truth, I ended up a lot better off not being "friendly." I usually have okay weapons and the company I DO keep are friends I've trusted for years. The only time I'm friendly to players is if they're a fresh spawn. I never shoot fresh spawns, and I try my best not to kill makarov maniacs. Although, I have been killed by a guy who pretended not to have a gun, and hid it in his pack.

Needless to say, I check backpacks now.

Edited by Nerd

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I got killed by someone who had just given me a blood transfusion...


Most sadistic thing I've seen, it really got me to shoot on sight.

I am not a bandit because I hate, I am a bandit because my trust has been broken far too many times.

See, I guess that's what seperates me from being a true "bandit." I don't actively seek players to torture for the fun of it. I just shoot when I'm threatened. Which is all the time-- and I'm sorry to players who don't have mics, but you creep me out with that silence stuff. How can I trust you when all you do is type short halted sentences in sidechat?

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A hero killed me, 'for typing in side chat' ... I kill EVERYONE i see now days, unless they wanna team up. Fuck heros.

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I became a bandit for loot, and to be simply left alone. I dislike it when people want something from me so when they are running up to me i often kill them, knowing they could be the last thing I see. On one particular instance I met a player clad in armor wearing a US Army uniform next to the ocean. He had a PDW and a DMR. I was chased by zombies and he helped me out. At that moment, a zombie crawled up to him and broke his legs. I shot it with my Makarov and killed it, then I proceeded to killing the soldier. I shot him 3 times in the head and he fell unconcious. I Picked up his rifle and I shot him in the chest. I was confident he was dead and I looted him. I got a GPS, his weapons, 4 mags each gun, map, range finder, matches, knife , food , water canteen. All sorts of useful things. I was glad I killed him since it gave me a head start.

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I became a bandit for one good reason: to not take shit from anyone that I don't trust. There is literally tons of people who shoot once you approach them or try to flee away from so once I grab a weapon from a nearby industrial site or in the middle of nowhere, I shoot everyone on sight I see except if they don't have a weapon or they are not worth my bullets. Anyways, I searched through a large truck and found a CZ 550 (or otherwise I call "hunting rifle" or "the big game") so I began to start my expedition on hunting individuals in the night with my night vision goggles. There was a base that was non-PVP but if you don't enter it in time, you are out of the safe zone and is ready to be killed. Poor bastard was on a bike approaching the said base so I shot him in the head. First ever kill. After a few seconds later, someone tried to loot the corpse so I shot him in the body and he fell unconsious. Another reload with the CZ 550 and I shot him once more. Luckily, the console said "----- HAS DIED." Finally receiving my bandit skin, I got a Script Restriction 45 and had to exit the game without saving.

After fixing the bug, I began to head over to Elecktro on truck whereas I chased a helicopter afterwards. They landed and one man came out. He knew I couldn't see him. Only one round left in my M40A3 that I received earlier in a vehicle, I tried to shoot him but I missed... atleast I damaged the helicopter. Leaving in a hurry due to danger chasing them, they went to god-knows-where, probably the airfield I marked on my map. Chasing them down on a truck, I didn't know where they were so I headed back down the road torwards Elecktro. A few minutes later, I was running out of gas so I quickly picked up a dirt bike and started travelling through the grass and down the road before I noticed two people looting a vehicle. Trying to crash the man with the sniper rifle, he quickly picked me off and I fell off my dirt bike with a broken bone. In chat, he said that I "deserved it" due to killing many innocent players. I smiled and felt pretty much like I was victorious over my foes by killing 'em and stealing their precious loot.

I was inspired by turning into a bandit because I was killed many times around the non-PVP area or otherwise "the base" or as many players call it, "roadblock" and dying by the hands of a sniper. Also, I lost a M60E4 with two magazines - that's 200 rounds worth for a MG but being idiot for a few seconds, I died by the hands of a guy with a assault rifle. That's when I started becoming a bandit.

Remember, Chernarus has no rules due to the zombie infection. Survival of the fittest, boys! Don't trust anyone and keep your eyes peeled for opponents.

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Well last week I was a hero and I had been one for a few months. I always kept to lowish populated servers. How ever last week I decided to give a 40+ player server ago. As soon as I joined I some guy with a crowbar spotted me. I asked if he needed anything. He then hit me twice with the crowbar. So I simply shot him dead.

Bandaged my self up and then another idiot with a Lee Enfield started taking pot shots at me. I went prone (I think he thought he got me). He then came out from cover and ran towards me. Put a full clip into him.

I for into elektro and dumped my AK as I had no ammo left and settled for a crossbow. Spotted a fresh spawner taking some loot I kept and eye on him but some one killed him with a pistol for no reason. So I somehow got a headshot on him with a crossbow (my first kill ever with a crossbow).

After killing him and leaving the sever. I come back on and I was a survivor again :(. After gathering loot and a Enfield I started making my way to stary. I noticed a guy going up sniper hill. So I followed him and managed to spot him in a tree. He only had a CZ550 but he was not up there to enjoy the view was he? So I killed him took his sniper and made my way to stary. I noticed 2 guys scouting out a heli crash site. One of them spotted me and started shoot at me. He somehow managed to break my leg. But I managed to kill him and his friend. I then realised I forgot to get some morphine before I left elektro so I went to the crash site. No morphine there and no weapons so I just let the zombies kill me.

Respawned with a tea towel on my head :(. Am not sure weather to try and get back to hero status now or just have fun with PVP wile I wait for the standalone.

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I've generally been a survivor since the start, and a hero for a time. However, now that I spend more time in elektro I have become a bandit.

This is mainly due to having to kill armed survivors who seem to always try to kill anyone for a can of beans. I tried to be nice but so many times they try to kill me but miss thr first shot.

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Not a bandit but I get it, the adrenaline rush is something you don't get by being a nice guy.

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The feeling that people don't treat this as a game and feel the need to kill everyone, so I happily join them.

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I have my moments of heroicness when I take a bus to Cherno or Elektro to pickup bambis but 9 times out of 10 you get shot. So to help I generally just kill people camping on Cherno hill, thats just stupid to me camping somewhere intending to kill un armed bambis. But generally I roam around the map shooting on site, I don't shoot Heros on sight but thats about it, Everyone else gets shot? Why not? The game gets boring otherwise.

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