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Rinaun's Hideout [Whitelist/200+ Buildings & Vehicles/Buildable bases] AND MORE!

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Hey all!

I'd like to advertise a server for a community I've been working with. Our server includes a white-listing system based on our forum (requires GUID input), Zombies/loot that spawns while you are inside a vehicle, a custom 20/4 day/night schedule, and coming within this week build-able fortifications including buildings like huts, shacks, and small sand bunkers. Our server has been around since june, and was one of the first private HIVE systems that was not for nocdkey players. Our server is from a top rated dedicated provider on the east coast, and provides an incredibly smooth performance for our player base. Pings for west coast users average in the 70-100ms range. Our servers are under our full control, and thus have been optimized thoroughly, and saves the database every 10 minutes to ensure users precious time is not wasted during a hacking attack. Broken/OOB vehicles are respawned every week, and we do not clean tents unless there is banned content inside them.

To join, simply register on our forums (http://rinaun.com/forums/) and supply your guid via the profile field during registration. this field will NOT be shared/viewed by anyone, and it is accessible via only your profile. Rinaun's Hideout decided to stick to a serious whitelisting system to make sure our users aren't wasting their time on our servers. User who hack will be reported straight to battleye with logs. As one of the first private servers out in june/july, don't expect to see us vanish! Silly donation rewards like BMRF, or abusive admins like on CA/BMRF who ban players for winning don't exist here. No money goes to staff, all money goes strictly to server costs. It's a community, not someones cash project.

Please note that some of these posts are from july. We have a long track record of providing a amazing server with admin coverage and other gaming servers. We do host events every month. This months event is a 40 man bike race. Here are some reviews for our HIVE system:




Some future ideas we're working with:

Bases despawn with user logout

Additional buildable loot (testing 15 or so at first)

Humanity and temperature adjustments (making temp actually matter)

dogs? If I can do it without dls sure.

Trading system?

Website: Http://rinaun.com

Teamspeak: Http://rinaun.com

Server IP: Rinaun.com port 2302


Edited by Dmantro
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Joined it today, awesome new buildings, and a really friendly community (from what ive seen so far)

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I saw you in TS this morning Ripsaw, I was busy working on some server stuff. Great to see you enjoying the server :)

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Yeah, i pretty much live on the other side of the world and i have NO lag at all. Already had my first adventure, ill post it on the forum soon.

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