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Battle-eye Not RESPONDING

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Look, I have tried everything, Delete steam file, Upgrade router firmware, Update battle-eye manually, Everything in my power to fix my game and nothing has worked.

I don't know what to do, Done a number of other things and still no use.

Every time i join a game and wait 10-15 sec. and then a message pops up saying Battleye: Not responding, but a couple of day ago it worked just fine, and also when i click ok, It is stuck on 0kb.


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This is usually due to your router's resources being exhausted. First turn off any torrent client you have running on your game PC. Secondly, after Dayz Commander has scanned all servers (which is creating a lot of connections) wait 3-5 minutes before joining. That should make sure that your router has available resources for the BE connections.

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If you have a torrent client running (peer-to-peer filesharing) such as uTorrent or similar, turn it off. But it seems like you don't have that so don't worry about it. Just wait 3-5 mins after Dayz Commander has refreshed all servers (or cancel it immediately) and then try.

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Well, there's your problem then. Make sure A2 and OA works before trying the mod.

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I'm going to answer your PM in here as it might help other people.

So you got Arma2 working. Does OA works as well? If yes, go here: http://www.battleye.com/download.html and download BE Client for Windows (32-bit). Place the .dll file in your OA folder under Extension/Expansion (can't remember the name) and BattlEye folder. You should have the same filename there.

Also be aware if anyone PMs you and offer a fix in form of a file (.exe, .bat or whatever) or a link, don't click it. If you run it, it will steal your key. Only DL files from official sites.

Edited by Rakrul

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im having this issue today.

yesterday it worked fine, today i tried to join the servers i was in yesterday and battleye timed out every time. sometimes after a few mins in game sometimes during the load screen.

i have;

reinstalled the game

reinstalled battleye both manually and through steam

ran arma 2 and oa

updated the router firmware

reset the router

killed every program that uses the internet

this battleye thing has haunted me since i started playing. i thought i finally fixed it with updating the firmware, but after hours of playing this week, its back again today.

when i was playing there was probably an average of one person a min being kicked or refused entry into the servers because battleye timed them out.

so its happening to a lot of people.

i really hope they dont use battleye in stand alone

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Im having the same problem, ive been trying to get into a game for the past 2 weeks but all i seem to be getting hit with is battleye not responding i have done every troubleshot there is for this game and for my router, but the longest i have been in a game is 30 seconds and it starting to get realy annoying now. If anybody has anyother way to fix the battleye thing please let me know.


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Try creating a thread on BIS' forums, maybe the have a cure. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?83-ARMA-2-amp-OA-TROUBLESHOOTING

Contain it in one thread though or the admins will just lock down the others. They're quite strict there. Also report the error in detail and everything you've tried so far. BIS are in direct communication with BE so they might be more helpful than me right now.

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Rakrul i have just redownloaded arma2 and arma2 OA im now up to battleye 1.184 i have went thro all drifernt ways to get battleye running {ie going to battleye.com and redownlaoding the dll and put it into my BE folders} and shit its getting to the point now that im realy fucking annoyed now, and thats 1 way of putting me off a game even tho i want to play it

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