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RPC3 server admin cant take being killed

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So i started on the RPC3 server a while ago, i did what i could for fun and then i had friends join...

We soon found a clan owned the server along with their admin, they traded a truck for a Ural and then left, a few hours later 2 of us were running about 50 meter north of our already discovered camp to get food and we die in the forest, i surrender but still get shot.

A day or 2 later we go up north and discover this clans base, take 2 sets of night vision and a range finder among their 3 helicopters and multiple vehicles and tents.... they found out and gave us the whole "Were coming to get you", a guy on the server (Therapist) even said "I'm picking up some lube on the way cause were gone rape you" (or something similar to that, trying to be funny) and when they got there we killed 3 of them and they ran with their chopper, Therapist freaks out and starts flaming on chat xD it was hilarious... 3 down

(we moved our base up north more before they attack, so they couldn't have known were we were) were sitting at our base, 15 minutes into sitting there the admin comes over side chat, "Guys sitting at (Our base location) keeps your heads up", obviously using admin powers to find us...one of there members play "flight of the Valkyries" over the side chat speaker... after about a minute 3 choppers fly over firing, we take down 1 with an AS50 and then kill one of their guys that was killed just beforehand in the forest... 2 more down

the server restarts and all 4 of us have axes and disable side chat so we cant taunt them any more ..... so they must have deleted items, and now its dark, the items were still in our bags though so we had 2 M4's, AS50 and a DMR... we go back to the camp and take our remaining vehicles up north right on a course for their base (Because we assumed we were going to get banned or kicked) on a suicide run toward there base... driving across the land suddenly a chopper pops up... so they must have used there admin power to find us again. everyone jumps out and opens fire on the chopper, 1 door gunner dies and another guy takes his place... another door gunner dies, the admin comes over some chat channel (Not side chat, we werent sure what it was but it was a global chat of some sort) and tell us "You took out the gunners but you forgot me the pilot, so cya later bitches" and crashes his helicopter straight into my ural and i die... with 3 of us left my team-mates drive closer to their base... when suddenly i get banned.... then 2 more us get banned... finally our last guy is left, they agree to meet up with him, a short drive later our guy gets out of his car and walks toward their UAZ with his gun lowered... they try to drive over him but fail and only break his leg, our guy shoots the guy that dives out of the car and then while bandaging sees another guy behind him, killing both he started to bandage himself... only to be banned 10 seconds later... the only way to stop us, was to ban us... how fucking low can an admin get?

Total 8 kills for us.... 1 for them (and that 1 was a suicide fly in with a chopper)

So the moral of the story is... if your going play on RPC3 (I think its the Eff3cts clan but don't quote me and if its isn't them I'm sorry for pinning this on a clan called Eff3cts) then expect to be restrained from killing/taking anyone/anything that's part of their group... because your going be zoned in by the admin and swarmed by their shitty players, in an attempt to stop you creating some friendly server competition

Edited by Conaire
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That's what happens when any stupid children can host a server.

You get morons that buy a server to get an advantage and abuse their powers to help themselves.

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That's what happens when any stupid children can host a server.

You get morons that buy a server to get an advantage and abuse their powers to help themselves.

They pritty much couldnt handle being shot and killed by a superior group, so they banned us after multiple attempts at our death and failed... im not so annoyed at being banned... its just that they couldnt take the heat and even with admin abuse they still lost

Edited by Conaire
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They pritty much couldnt handle being shot and killed by a superior group, so they banned us after multiple attempts at our death and failed... im not so annoyed at being banned... its just that they couldnt take the heat and even with admin abuse they still lost

It happens a lot on 'clan' servers where the server is controlled by a group of players and it's always the same story.

1. You see one of them in the wild acting as a bandit, you kill them.

2. They cry about it in side chat because they are always 12-16 years old with anger problems.

3. They get the gang together to come kill you.

4. They end up failing because:

a) They suck

b} You also have help

c) You're just better than them

d) Someone else interferes

e) all of the above

5. They taunt some more on chat

6. They clearly use admin powers to locate you again.

7. They lose again (Or start to lose and kick/ban any players)

8. If they kick enough and win, they gloat as if they are actually good.

9. You get banned.

Edited by Rossums
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Makes it a hell of a lot worse when you have a hero skin and they still bloody kill you. Its an absolute disgrace!

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It happens a lot on 'clan' servers where the server is controlled by a group of players and it's always the same story.

1. You see one of them in the wild acting as a bandit, you kill them.

2. They cry about it in side chat because they are always 12-16 years old with anger problems.

3. They get the gang together to come kill you.

4. They end up failing because:

a) They suck

b} You also have help

c) You're just better than them

d) Someone else interferes

e) all of the above

5. They taunt some more on chat

6. They clearly use admin powers to locate you again.

7. They lose again (Or start to lose and kick/ban any players)

8. If they kick enough and win, they gloat as if they are actually good.

9. You get banned.

Basicly everything you mentioned happened, accurate description xD

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everytime i see 1337 type writing in clan names.. :facepalm:

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That sucks man, But thats that servers problem. I'm gonna plug my server now, cuz i figure you guys need a new home and my server needs more clans. I wont tolerate that kind of shit from my admins, Come check it out.

Namalsk Private Hive, 70+ vehicles, Bonus starting gear.

3RD person on, Crosshairs off


PORT: 2312

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That sucks. A similar thing happened to us, admins abusing their powers to get the advantage etc but what can you do?

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Latest development i followed them on their twitter page, and they claim we were hacking (which i dont understand, because we didnt have NV goggles or ghillies or anything) But they have now blocked me and another friend of mine. So they know they are in the wrong. It's just really funny, and the purpose of this thread was to expose this server so no one can be as frustrated and annoyed as we were.

It was really funny though.

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That sucks. A similar thing happened to us, admins abusing their powers to get the advantage etc but what can you do?

Fucking beat them at their own game, thats what we did xD

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That sucks man, But thats that servers problem. I'm gonna plug my server now, cuz i figure you guys need a new home and my server needs more clans. I wont tolerate that kind of shit from my admins, Come check it out.

Namalsk Private Hive, 70+ vehicles, Bonus starting gear.

3RD person on, Crosshairs off


PORT: 2312

Thanks for the offer man, we will check it out

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