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Is DayZ Currently Worth Playing?

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I am currently playing War Z and was wondering how Day Z compares, and if in general Day Z is worth the purchase of Arma II combined ops? From videos I've watched, Day Z seems to have a much larger game world, and much more realistic weapons/survival simulation. Are the Day Z servers fairly stable? Is hacking a major problem? How easy, difficult is it to get established in game versus the likelihood of immediate PvP death to better equipped players?

In War Z the possibility of PvP death is quite high at the moment, unless one knows where and when to venture, and server hopping for position and loot is rampant. Just wondering how the two games compare, in the eyes of gamers themselves--I've watched a few videos comparing the two, but did not take much away from them, at least not enough to make a final decision.

Thanks in advance

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DayZ, well, there's still an occasional hacker, there's more PvP then there are people, and DayZ has a far larger game world. In my opinion, wait until Stand Alone of DayZ. I only say that because I already owned CO when DayZ became big so I never felt like I was spending money on DayZ.

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Try DayZ, im sure you will like it, but you should get some friends to buy it also... Playing on your own can get boring after a while. I have played both warz and dayz, and I think dayz is better. The focus on pvp in warz is way too big. The main death reasons in DayZ are zombies, falling and hacking, but i only got killed once with hacking, and i played for quite a while. And ive heard hacking in DayZ isnt that big of a problem as it used to be, even though i have never looked at it as a problem.


If you have alot of money, and really want to try DayZ: Buy CO.

If you dont: Wait for standalone.

Edited by Teo3201

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Essentially that's what I am looking for--more of a survival horror element, i.e. dying more often from zombies and the environment. I enjoy PvP, but I am looking for more of a balance between the two.

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Nice. I think I am going to give it a go.

Get Arma2 for Dayzmod, and get Dayz Standalone too cos... They gonna go in different directions, There are many Dayzmod servers doing different things with it.

Dayzmod = Variety

Dayz SA= Well Dayz :P

Edited by jaytmuk

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Usually I wouldn't respond to this topic due to the question asked. But I'mma be realistic and remember that there are people that haven't seen the awesomeness that is DayZ. So take my advice and get it while it's on sale. It will be well worth it.

Add me on skype if you want to play on a team. duncan.forsythe

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