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Mini Maracas

More Player Actions!

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Basically, I think we could do A LOT more with this game, and make it so the player can do many different things. I'll highlight the main bits for you lazy people ^-^ I'll just get straight to the point. A few of these are in the SMK animations (Video posted a while back), but I'm highlighting the main ideas I like. These are not fully my ideas! :)

Climbing ledges

Ability to jump up an climb a ledge would be cool. Vaulting fences that are too high to step over, climbing through a window to avoid a player who could be down stairs, etc! :D


Like a combat roll. Maybe double tap crouch, or double tap crouch while sprinting? Could be useful for either getting to cover quickly, or getting from cover to cover to avoid being seen in a hostile area. Should NOT be able to roll if you have a back pack or a big weapon. (Like in that SMK thing)

Blind fire

The ability to blindly shoot round a corner, but with a substantial drop in accuracy. Maybe to counter this, it could only be done in 1st person? And if your hand gets shot while blind firing, you stop? Could blind fire round a corner, or over a corner.

Passing items to players

I'd like to be able to quickly chuck a friend a can of beans, or a water bottle. Rather than having to place it in their back pack. Maybe also could throw side arms? Like pass an unarmed friend a pistol for quick use in combat? The other player would have to accept, so someone can't just spam passing you an empty can of beans. ^-^


Maybe there should be an option to sneak up behind an enemy player, and strangle them, or hold your hand over their mouth and nose, so they fall unconscious? You have to have nothing in your hands to be able to do this.

I'll add more ideas soon, and if you have any ideas just say ^-^

Give constructive criticism on these ideas. If they're bad, or you don't like them, say how they could be improved, or WHY they are bad :)

Edited by Mini Maracas
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Climbing: yes, yes and more freakin' yes. Doing a fence climb to avoid zombies is totally an awesome idea.

Blind fire: Eh... kinda squiffy about this one, while I do enjoy the cover based shooters bit, blindfiring doesn't really have any effective use other than to burn off ammunition or in the case of this game, ring a dinner bell repeatedly.

Passing items: It would need to be made more fluid, like you try to pass an item to a player, they first need to have room to accept it and it doesn't bring up the inventory screen, they just press something like E or middleclick to accept and that becomes their item if it's a weapon. Should be easily broken to by simply moving out of range.

Combat rolling: You could easily summersault with a backpack, if anything it would make the land easier due to the rounded shape of it and absorb any impact your body might take. It would have a good chance of wrecking the contents of your bag though.

Choking: Why must a player's hands be empty? With a pistol, one could use the arm holding the gun to press their forearm/inside elbow area in to the esophagus of their victim while the other hand covers their mouth/nose to keep them from making noise while they do it. With a rifle you could easily just bash the back of their head in with the butt or use the barrel of the gun to crush the victim's esophagus and have an easier time doing it (because you're holding two ends of a rifle, a solid object rather than the malleable flesh of your arm).

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This is not Splinter Cell and no-one would leave their backpack just to do some kind of roll. Let's be serious for a second.

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It might not be splinter cell but it would make a lot of sense to just beat someone's head in with your gun if you caught them with their pants down rather than having to go through the trouble of stashing/dropping the gun, equipping a hatchet, reloading said hatchet, burying said hatchet in their brain stem, removing said hatchet, picking up primary and then finally looting the body.

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In that case it would make much more sense to have a melee slot.. Last time I saw it, you wanted to choke people.

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Me personally? Nah I'd rather just brain them with my gun. I was just adding some thought on to the existing idea. :)

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Player actions: Peek up (when prone)

It would make 1st person while prone alot more usable.

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Climbing ledges

I like this idea, but it should be more along the lines of GTA IV's style of climbing, where you can grab onto some ledges that are within reach, but not climb buildings ala The Saboteur/Assassin's Creed. More freedom of motion is increbily important when escaping zeds. A new fatigue system could also come into play, if you are tired, you might risk falling flat on your back, or if you are carrying too much loot, you might take more "stamina" or time to climb.


I like this idea, it would also be hany for diving just out of the wing range of a zed, or didging a player's grenade. But you should still be able to do this with a backpack on, only the more you carry, the less able you are to finish the move fluidly. Also if you are packed with loot, you might accidentally break your fancy hi-tech gun from crushing it with your 200+ lb character (including gear)


Blind fire

This would only be good for supressing enemies, and wasting bullets, although I am all-for putting in as many options to the player as possible, I doubt this would be used too much by people

Passing items to players

I love this idea, I can't tell you how many times I could have been better off if a friend could have tossed me another makeroni mag to finish off some zeds rushing at uswould have to be dynamic a fluid, perhaps maybe you aim at a survivor (withing a reasonalbe throwing distance) and they do the same, hold a button, and a circle menu pops up with availible slots listen at the top, and throwable items arranged in a circle below. To select an item to throw, you move the mouse around and click when the desired item is highlighted. Another cool feature to it would be to have a change to mis-throw, or fail to catch, making the item hit the ground near the target, possible causing damage to the item.


Less than lethal, I like it. Though you should be able to do this while holding any item really. And like Zoey said, nailing someone with a blunt object with sufficient force should render them unconcious. Another thing I'd ad to LTL (Less than lethal) is poison darts perhaps, armed with a paraletic/sleep inducion drug that acts either quickly or slowly depending on the quality of the drug. This could be made from natrual plants and herbs growing in chernarus, or by mixing medication found in hospitals or markets. You could combine this with throwing dars as well, bow and arrow, etc.

Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts on it, very good suggestion!

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