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[Suggestion] Zombie behavior

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So because rocket said a while back he was trying to implement a basic ragdoll system into the game, it got me thinking.

What about adding specific weaknesses to the zombies decaying impairment themself by introducing the ragdoll physics there.

For example you have attracted a zombie or two and wanted to escape up a ladder, because of the decaying body of the zombie. the zombie may struggle to climb the ladder or even fall off it by losing its grip. granted we could have the old fashioned way were zombies cannot climb anything or open doors but thats no fun :P.

Also another example is specific point breaks, for example. you could shoot a zombie in the leg and its leg would burst off his body and instant ragdoll him to the floor.

what are your thoughts on this?

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I don't know if I understand. Do you mean that the zombies have ragdoll arms because of rotting and that means they can't open doors?

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No I think what he's going for is zombie decomposition affecting the zombies' ability to chase you down in certain environments. I'm fairly certain Rocket has said that he wants to introduce a zombie life cycle which addresses this, zombies that get more kills move faster and are stronger, zombies that get fewer kills move slower and are easier to kill. So highly raided areas like Cherno would become increasingly dangerous as more and more people died there, small backwater towns would have slower and weaker zombies due to the ill frequency of deaths in the area.

I'm not sure if this would affect a zombie's ability to follow you up a ladder, would be cool if they implemented that though because you'd be gambling on whether or not the rotting bastards could follow your ass up the ladder you just climbed to get away from them.

Also, knee capping zombies should definitely make them crawlers.

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