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My First Firefight(sort of) and yours!

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Hello, radio-chatter listeners! Today I'd like to talk about my very first firefight in this game, and hopefully yours!

Now, here's the backstory of my time in the DayZ world; play alone or play with friendlies. that changed today when I wanted to shortly experience the bandit life, to maybe learn how to prevent myself dying from one. I logged on to a namalsk server, joined up with a guy, and eventually killed him with a makarov mag to the face. Yes, you could tell me that that was cod-kiddying it up, but tbh I really hesitated to kill this guy (Sorry to Devin, btw, hope you get geared back up fast :c). When my heart rate lowered to a normal level, I decided to try out Lingor Island again. joined a server, and spawned at the airfield. Now here's where my story starts.

Gearing Up: Spawning at the airfiled there must be fairly lucky, as I quickly got geared up with an AKM and a makarov. I headed into the city, checking the supermarket then going into an apartment. There I found a Czech pack, and when I was going up to the top floor I see a survivor sneaking behind a building! I say to myself, alright man. Are you going to be a bandit, or a friendly survivor? (I forgot to mention, I was being shot at by a guy with an M24 the whole time) I chose to be a friendly, and quickly and excitedly ran down the steps and to where the survivor dissipated. Little to my knowledge he had 2 friends with him and the M24 guy was apparently right behind me. Shots were fired at me, so I sprayed at the first guy I saw after getting my legs broken. I died, a guy called Dylan got killed by me, and then I had a nice chat with the group about tactics and "Holy crap, you shot me 4 times with that thing and I didn't die?!" sorta stuff. This all took place on the Luke's Land Vilayer lingor server.

It would make me happy to see all of your gunfights, group massacres and failed murders that just gave that feeling of awe, which is what keeps people playing DayZ.

TL;DR, I had an encounter with a group and was utterly destroyed. This made me want to know what you guys have done that involves killing people or the death of yourself that followed with a feeling of adrenaline. Start postin', Survivors!

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An asshole with the Gaus Rifle was camping on top of the mountain next to object all. Killed everyone there and we weren't even capable of seeing him... Lots of people have absolutely no idea what a bandit means...

All the friendly's there were shooting at him until that ass shot everyone... I was last and was shot trying to climb up and surprise kill him...

Edited by TZUGARIS
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Within my first few days, I was heading to Elektro through Prigorodky (I had no knowledge of the map layout whatsoever). Armed with Makarov, I wandered aimlessly from building to building, wondering why so many are inaccessible, when I saw my first car! As I make a dead sprint for the car, my mind races with optimistic ideas.

"Where will I go? Where's the next big city?"

"Should I try to pick someone up? Maybe we could be friends!"


"...Why is there someone in the back seat?"

When I reached the car, I was stunned to see someone sitting in the back seat. It was parked in a gas station, no other players in sight. Now, I had spent a week or so lurking these forums, reading stories and strategies, and everything I had ever read told me not to trust players I don't know. So I completely panicked, unloading the contents of my tiny pistol in through the back window and... nothing. He just gets right the fuck out of the car; I had done nothing but poke a bear with a stick. The player emerges from the back seat in what I now know was a hero skin, wielding an AK and a Revolver, and we have it out. After a shockingly long and inbalanced gunfight, all legs broken, bleeding, I had spent all of my mags, and he ends it with a .45 in my dome.

If you're out there, sorry man. I know better now.

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