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Namalsk - Private hive, custom loadout, added vehicle spawns (lots). Active admins, always day, PvP is encouraged.

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As the title says, we have switched our map from panthera to namalsk. We are looking for pvp oriented people. We added a bunch of extra vehicle spawns to the map, as well as a custom load-out. You will NOT get banned for killing an admin (I die lots!). I have it set to always day, but some people have asked for it to be on a normal night cycle (you can post your input if you have any).

When you initially connect you will get an error about a missing sql file, just hit OK, it won't hinder your playing on the server. The server is on a 3 hour restart cycle, with plenty of warnings.

Come and join us for some PvP action!

Edited by devilwalker

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