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GoodGame | 150+ Members | Multi-Gaming | ArmA Life | DayZ | BF3 | MC | 512 Slot Teamspeak | Recruiting ALL!

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Teamspeak IP: TS3.GoodGameCommunity.com

Website: www.GoodGameCommunity.com


Hello fellow survivors! Currently our community is looking for more active members!

What do we have to offer?

- A TeamSpeak 3 server with many mature and friendly players

- A Celle Island Life server (same as Emita Life except different map)(30 slots)

- An incredible map dev!

- Ability to buy more dayz servers once we establish an active player base!

- Donaters receive extra perks in maps (such as houses, starting items, etc.)(in arma life)

What we're asking for:

- Mature players who want to play Dayz or Arma Island Life and who get along well with others.

How to join us:

Just join our Teamspeak and talk to Rob, Peter, DayV, Dylan, Brosph, or Matthew

Edited by DonutRiot
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How much experience:Too much to say :) well alot ive been playind dayz since it started.

Whats your skype name:da,russian,dude

Do you have teamspeak:yes!

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IGN: ItzBidge


How much experience: I have played dayz since june

Whats your skype name: bidge9898

Do you have teamspeak: yep

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IGN: Adam

Age: 15

How much experience: I have played probably 2 weeks worth of WARZ and am an experienced player in that but in DayZ I have got the basics down just trying to improve some of my knowledge in it.

Whats your skype name: bwc155

Do you have teamspeak: No but I can download it if needed

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How much experience:Probably about 4 months worth total, had the game 6 months+. Also apart of a military clan for ArmA II, "MARSOC."

Whats your skype name:sam.kennard1

Do you have teamspeak:Yes.

I Don't mind if I'm not accepted, I am 13 after all.

Edited by Samstorm418

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How much experience:2 months dayz exp. Multiple years in raiding guild so I know how to work as a team member

Whats your skype name: Droskee204

Do you have teamspeak: yes

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Heading off for the night, 2 people above me i will add you tomorrow morning, and anyone else posting after this msg, same deal ;D

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IGN: Cake Guardian


How Much Experience: 3 months of DayZ. So, I basically know everything to it.

Skype: tofutofutofutofu

Do you have teamspeak: Yes I do (y)

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IGN: Mulix_TDM

Age: 14

How mutch experience?: 8 months with Flanking,combat,sniping,driving & scavenging. i have never been scared of running into city's/ Military spots with sniper & other players, and often comes out alive with some guns or other equipment/recourses. i have almost learned half of the map in my head and can come almost everywhere with only an map and compass.

Skype name: Stian.vatnaland

Do you have teamspeak: Yes

Edited by Mulix98

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IGN: registered

Age: 24

How much experience: I understand the game, but I haven't really played much because I find it very difficult to accomplish anything solo, which has been my situation whenever I try to play. I have a lot of experience in Arma II and Operation Arrowhead, including the Chernarus Life mod. I am a quick learner and really want to enjoy this game to it's fullest, in a group of people.

Whats your skype name: Jestaaaaa

Do you have teamspeak: Yes.

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IGN: Chaach

Age: 14

How much experience: Im new to dayz but am learning fast

Whats your skype name: skyofcai

Do you have teamspeak: yes

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IGN: Currently is CQF PVT reidloS doG, because I haven't played in a long time.


How much experience: I'm not a bandit in the traditional sense. I infiltrate groups and either destroy or give vital informaiton to those outside the group in order to hurt it.

Whats your skype name: reidlosdog

Do you have teamspeak: Yes.

If I were to join you, I would like to continue doing what I like to do, infiltrate groups and giving you intel on them. I think the normal "let's see if we get lucky in finding someone" banditry is boring. Manipulating and planning an organized attack is more fun.

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IGN: ChimeraDelta same as my steam ;)

Age: 15

Experience: vetran player,handy with assault and sniper weapons,im a sneaky sonofabitch, i try to be friendly but people always seem to shoot first and ask questions later, thats why im a bandit now :D. multiple succesfull dayz solo runs north airstrip and back. my bodycount is through the roof ranging from bandits to survivers.extremely good at looting large towns no agro on zombies or players

Skype: philip.frutuoso

teamspeak: yes teamspeak 3 though im new to teamspeak so i dont know the diffrence

gear: AS50 with 2 m107 mags,ak-74 kobra with 3 mags,alice pack,food,water,meds and a ghillie suit

where am i: 500 meters from elektro

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Do you have teamspeak?:Yes I do

How much experience do you have?:On as scale of 1-10 I would rate my experience at a 9.

[What are your specialties?:I enjoy driving, anywhere . Im perfectly fine driving any kind of vehicle in and out of danger zones, and have a good general knowledge of the map. Plus a fun guy to be around :P

]Any other info? (optional):You lot seem like the exact kind of group ive been looking for, a group who can play with skill, and have fun with it! I really hope to be accepted and start playing asap, as you sound like a great group to play with

Hopefully see you in game soon (:

Edited by Ziggabot

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IGN?: Reijek or DefiantLoyalty

Age?: 22

Skype?: Defiantloyalty

Country?: USA

Do you have teamspeak?: No, Vent, skype, TS can be downloaded

How much experience do you have?: About a month, quick learner

What are your specialties?: Scavenging, Navigation

Any other info? (optional): Stealthy player, prefer silenced weapons, if not available then Axe/crossbow with a rifle in pack

Edited by Reijek

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IGN: soap

Age: 19

Steam: alex615708

Country: USA

Do you have teamspeak: Yes

How much experience do you have: About 5 months.

What are your specialties: Sniping/spotting, medic, assault, transport, mule.

Any other info? (optional):

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