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Push Button Warfare Recruiting for DayZ squad

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Hello, I'm going to make this quick and if you are interested you can follow the link to the official recruitment post.

Push Button Warfare is a gaming community, We have a Chernarus (occasionally changes for short periods) DayZ private hive hosted by DayZ.st.

Community members will get access to TeamSpeak and Server Events, as well as community hosted events.

There are a few requirements for membership:

-Must be 16 years or older. Some leniency is given for those who do not meet this requirement, but have shown that they are responsible in the group setting.

-Must have a working microphone and TeamSpeak3 downloaded and ready to use. ("Push-to-talk" mic activation is required for squad ops.)

-Must own a legit version of ArmaII and ArmaII Operation Arrowhead.

-Must be active on the forums. A minimum of two PROPER posts per month. This is required to boost squad relations, and get you more involved in the community.

If you are interested in joining the community, please follow this link to read how you can become a member. http://pubu.userboard.net/t10-recruiting-for-squad-members#10

Thank you for your time, and if you are accepted I will see you soon.

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Also forgot to mention, Already formed squads are welcome to join the community. You can get your own TS squad channel, and forums section if your squad is accepted into the community.

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