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Dayz clan recruiment OneCast Gaming

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Basic Info

We do not kill if it's not necessary

We help each other (you'll recive or I will help you get some gear)

We kill bandits

We spread friendship


1) Survive and live together as a group

2) Provide food, drink, safety and equipment for members

3) Spread friendship


Be 14+

Ventrilo/Skype + a working microphone

Basic game knowledge

Survivor or Hero, no Bandits


1) Dont / Do

Don't kill neutral/friendly survivors unless they perform a hostile action or hostile intent

Don't kill heroes unless they perform hostile action

Do kill Bandits.

2) Be helpful and friendly

3) Follow rules

4) Communicate with teammates


Don't post the application if you don't meet requirements!

If you want to join post the application here!


In-game name:

Steam Name:

How long have you been playing DayZ:

Are you from NA? (If you're not write your time zone):

Your skills:

Status (survivor/hero):

Short Paragraph About You:

If you break any rules you can be kicked or you'll get a reduction in rank

Here is the register link http://www.onecastgaming.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register

also here is the ranking system http://www.onecastgaming.com/index.php?/topic/47-clan-members-and-rankings/

once you finished all of that please join this group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/onecast

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Age: 16

In-game name: DragonikkroniK

Steam Name:john619152

How long have you been playing DayZ:6 or 7 months

Are you from NA? (If you're not write your time zone):nsw, sydney UTC + 10

Your skills:very good flyer and light machine gunner (M249 is my favourite)

Status (survivor/hero):survivor

Short Paragraph About You:

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Age: 16

In-game name: DragonikkroniK

Steam Name:john619152

How long have you been playing DayZ:6 or 7 months

Are you from NA? (If you're not write your time zone):nsw, sydney UTC + 10

Your skills:very good flyer and light machine gunner (M249 is my favourite)

Status (survivor/hero):survivor

Short Paragraph About You:

ok what is your skype

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