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PBE Clan Base, hacked weapons/items

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US 6 Portland is the server

I stumbled upon PBE's clan base, bunch of cars and tents, I saw someone at the tents, player [PBE]chaos0 or chaotic0, so I killed him. As I was going to loot his body the server restarted, when I rejoined none of the PBE members were in so I looked through the tents, I found items I had never seen before. I thought in general any hacked items in DayZ had no picture icon, so I thought the items were safe, the weapon was the Bizon PP-19 SD, I asked over teamspeak what this weapon was and someone responded its a rare from a crashed helicopter, I was extremely happy with my new weapon.

I look into the next tent, soldier clothing? what the fuck?

I ask again over teamspeak, what is soldier clothing?

I get the response "DUDE THATS THE RAREST ITEM IN DAYZ OH MY GOD PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT"... Naturally me being an asshole I immediately equipped it and as I started describing how it looks (like a soldier...), he starts laughing hysterically and said he didnt think id be stupid enough to equip it, apparently it is a hacked item, aswell as the Bizon PP-19 SD.

I did not know these items were hacked, PBE clan on the server listed above were the ones who had the tents, both items had pictures.

I have dropped the soldier clothing and put back on my ghilly suit, have dropped the Bizon aswell, please look into this I do not want to get banned for this.

Admin PM me if you would like the grid coordinates.

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The PP-19 is a legitimate weapon. I just found one at a crashed helicopter yesterday, though it was in the tall grass next to it and was a bugger to spot. Never heard of soldier camo before, so that's probably hacked.

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Dude, I've got a Bison, it shows up at crashed helis, and I've seen soldier clothing in the barracks. I threw it away because it's ugly. The camo sleeveless clothing looks MUCH better, more Rambo. :)

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ok mr MasukaGP. so u r the guy in the ghillysuit, who was pvp-disconnecting in front of me, when ive started shooting with my bizon?

nice one. pls take a look in the wiki next time. ;)

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You are infact the one that battle logged, and what about the soldier clothing?

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You are infact the one that battle logged' date=' and what about the soldier clothing?


like kophka said, its a rare but implemented loot. oh damn, now that u mention it... i hope my m136 rocketlauncher is not a hacked item too? O.o


the bizon has one of the highest lootchances at crashed helis. in fact of that u must be new to this mod, game( seems more like an independent game, mh?). well, i would like to apologize in advance for my sarcastic and a bit aggressive replies.

btw...this is not ur ingame-tag, mh? so i cant equip my invisible-master-cheat-suit and track u with the survivor locating gps I've written yesterday. :( oh noooo...sarcastic again, sry.

please...please use google next time, before u open such a defaming and villainising thread again.

have a nice day and fun with daisy ;)

i nearly forgot...some helpful links for u :)

how to use google the efficient way >>> http://mashable.com/2011/11/24/google-search-infographic/

some helpful links and stuff >>> http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

and an image >>> http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/22282892.jpg

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What part do you not understand, I have acknowledged the Bison is a legit weapon, I have for the last three posts been speaking of the Soldier Clothing, I do not care whatsoever what it does, the fact of the matter is that the only way to obtain it is to hack it into the game.

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What part do you not understand' date=' I have acknowledged the Bison is a legit weapon, I have for the last three posts been speaking of the Soldier Clothing, I do not care whatsoever what it does, the fact of the matter is that the only way to obtain it is to hack it into the game.


mmmh...didnt u post something like, uhm...hacked items are invisible in inventory?

i don't know, never seen a hacked item so far.

nevertheless, u have no proof, thats it is an hacked item and i have none, that its not. so let me write a letter to the daisystaff, ok? and as far as i remember, the soldierclothings were gone, after uve raided our camp with ur friend(s). ;)

pls, don't be that serious. theres no fun arguing with u, when u act like an offended kid:-/

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Soldier camo is not a hacked item. I've run into people in the far north wearing it. They had winchesters and low end pistols.

Now, let's put on our thinking caps, kids: if you can spawn any item you wish into a game, are you going to spawn soldier clothing and continue using a Winchester and a Makarov?

Please read the wiki instead of making baseless accusations on the forum.

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