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baN (DayZ)

Looking for Fellow Swiss German DayZ Players

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Hey everyone,

Just want to update this thread to our current situation. We closed our group for a while since we felt that we had reached a solid number of players (18) and didnt want to grow too much too quickly and lose intimacy. So, now after building up our core group more, we are willing again to add some extra players to our group. As usual, we are looking for Swiss German speaking players who are looking to join an open group of players. We are fairly laid back, dont take things too seriously in the sense that we are human and we all make mistakes. We enjoy our little raids every now and then, looking for better loot and vehicles. Our core group has been playing together for several weeks, so if you chose to join, you will find a friendly, semi-organized group of Swiss German players who are all between 20-30 years of age. Almost forgot to mention that we use mumble voice communication to talk in-game AND have our own server at LU161 :)




skype: tecgear

Edited by baN

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Bump. We are now three guys and are still looking forward to play with more people.

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We are nine players now, of which 6 play regularly with each other. We have a pretty cool dynamic and are looking forward to add a few more players to our group.

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I just joined your group ... cause I looking for teammates (german) too ...

Hope to see you each other in the next days ...


Skype: direx1974

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So we have a few friendly guys together and established a small base camp with a couple of tents and vehicles, and are looking forward to getting that chopper :D Still open to Neuzugang ;)

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nur skype aber wir ziehen andere voice communication mittel in betracht.

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Da üsi Gruppe immer wie meh Gschtalt ahnimmt hend i (Robin) dr Rico u dr Ban beschlosse en eigne Server zhoste!

Hoster isch http://www.vilayer.com/

Het sbeschte ahgebot u dr Server wird in Strassbrug stah.

Werde 40 Slots vrohande sii!

Finanzierig werde Robin,Rico und dr Ban überneh.

Beteiligung isch natürli gern gseh aber keinerfals Pflicht!

Danke a alli u Happy Surviving!


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Why did lu 161 server got downgraded to 95389?

I can't play now, even with downgrading beta.

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