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DayZ Server - Linux_Debian - 1.7.3

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Hello, I was wondering is there a place or a way I can install DayZ to my box? I own a 32GB Ram; 3TB of Space; Linux Debian Virtural box and I wanted to host a DayZ server on it. But saddly I can not find one. I've looked for hosting but they are way to much money when I just want 5 slots or something as a private server.

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Nobody has compiled HiveExt on linux, you will need windows to run a server.

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Nobody has compiled HiveExt on linux, you will need windows to run a server.

I have to keep Linux... I host a very popular Minecraft server on this box and I can't let it go down nor mess up the performace :(.

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you have Dayz4Linux projet for this. But it uses Wine to run gameserver. PM me if you want it.

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i have on my Linux Maschine :D with the new HiveExt :D

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I strongly dislike posts like this, sanzzess. If you run it on a linux box... fine... but then please tell the guy HOW you did it instead of bragging. Thank you.

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I strongly dislike posts like this, sanzzess. If you run it on a linux box... fine... but then please tell the guy HOW you did it instead of bragging. Thank you.

Mhhhh yesterday i edit my post and say i will make an tutorial today on youtube but first in german sry guyz ;( but i think i will do eng today too.

German Tut on : 6:30PM CEST and 9PM ENG but with Bad English i hope all can understand it :)

But one think i will say its not very stable @ this time.

I will testing some combinations later to get it more stable :D

And have you tryt to pm cretor of this thread

Edited by sanzzes
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It is an old question.

AFAIK running Arma2 on Linux is impossible if you want to call a dynamic library, like hiveext.dll on Windows.

"callExtension" keyword is not implemented on Linux.

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i have on my Linux Maschine :D with the new HiveExt :D

You're hosting it on windows (on an emulator), you're not hosting it on linux. It's like saying, i host Arma2 on my monitor.. nope, i'm hosting it on my PC where the monitor is connected.

What we're looking for (and it will never happens.. nor for Arma2 at least) is a hive PORTING to be run natively on linux.

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Wine is not emulator. Basicly its adapter from win api to linux and binary code is binary code and its running on same cpu not on monitor.

offtop: I did not try to run server under wine, but try client. It worked, but it was hell.

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Wine is not emulator. Basicly its adapter from win api to linux and binary code is binary code and its running on same cpu not on monitor.

Wine is not an (OS) emulator by definition, but in the end it adopts a layer to emulate (or to be exact to iterpret) the windows library (calls). Nor that it is any different for the end user: we're looking for a native solution or it would be a waste of resource: the purpose of this is to save the server costs eventually, it's not an academic experiment.

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I strongly dislike posts like this, sanzzess. If you run it on a linux box... fine... but then please tell the guy HOW you did it instead of bragging. Thank you.

It may sound like bragging, but honestly I think it's just a different mindset. A linux guy messes around for hours to get something working, someone on a forum asks if that thing you've done, can be done... The answer is yes, I've done it. A lot of unix admins, myself included assume that's the answer that the questioner was looking for, and now that he knows it's possible he'll want to hack away at it and figure it out for himself. That's what we, for the most part like to do, if we didn't we wouldn't be unix/linux users/admins.

I'd imagine that the thought in sanzzess's head is that if the questioner for some reason didn't feel like figureing it out (time constraints etc.) that he'd post a follow up or more than likely send him a PM since I'm sure there's very little interest in bash syntax (for example) on a forum not specifically dedicated to the subject.

Edited by cunning

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