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Help installing Namalsk

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Hey guys, I am fairly new at running servers. So sorry in advance for noob questions. I have searched for the last couple of days trying to figure this out. I have the latest Bliss server and Dayz 1.7.4 . It works fine for Chernarus map. I just cant find out how to install namalsk or any other map, so that I can just select which map to host for my friends and I.

Thanks in advance


Edited by TPM

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You need to build Bliss with the other map.

I.e. when building Bliss: perl build.pl --world namalsk --instance 1 ...

You also need to set the world type correctly in the instance table before spawning vehicles, otherwise they will default to the Chernarus spawn points.

You must set the mission file being used to the Namalsk one in your server/config.cfg

When launching the server, remember to include Namalsk in the loaded mods.

Make sure to have the key files for Namalsk installed as well.

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