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Day/Night cycle - make it quicker

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Make it three hours for day, and three for night. This way, I can play the game on a server close to me without having to play at night. I don't get much of an opportunity to play during the day, and I'm sure many other people are in the same position.

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not going to happen man, choose a server with a offset time so its daytime when you play, its not that hard.

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not going to happen man' date=' choose a server with a offset time so its daytime when you play, its not that hard.


I have tried that, but the connection to US/AUS servers is bad. Where I live the internet connection isn't great. I personally see no reason why a 1:1 day/night cycle is necessary.

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"Quicker" HELL NO! "Brighter" HELL YES!

Night is usually way to dark, we know. probably due to Arma 2's lighting engine. But DayZ is coming to Arma 3 which actually has a pretty good lighting engine and is coming later this year. (Beta supposedly this summer)

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