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drivable trains

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ever spawn in kamenka with no way to go other than running to zeds? what if there was a train there!!! you could drive right through the town all the way to elektro and get geared up, then all the way up to berenzino and do your thing


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its hard to keep a car going how the hell will you keep a train going man up and run baby run :D

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It'd take a fuck load to repair, plus, it'd be stolen as you couldn't hide it.

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Public tram.

The friendly zombies conduct, maintain, and eat the bandit passengers.

Yaaaaay, take me to Berenzino please! CHOO CHOO

:l this idea is bad.

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thank you very much, but i think that its understood that the search bar is very useful


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+1 Support... well there is that one freight train infront of that hospital on the port. :)

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I´m looking forward to the day somebody makes a 300km(2) map only consisting of a city with multiple trams. TRAM SIMULATOR 2013!!

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train would be helpful but very hard to repair and easy for bandit or bambis to get

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