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Hello everyone. I used to play DayZ many months ago when there was only one map. Now there seems to be a lot according to DayZCommander. The reason I quit DayZ was that my computer would give out after couple hours of playing. I wanted to ask if there has been performance updates, and if not, what map would be the best for me to play that has a lot of people? Thanks!

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huge performance increases. Map selection is a personal taste. Ive tried em' all and really like good old Charnarus. same with number of people... its easier to find a group of people (regulars not so much like clan members, though they are there too) on private hive servers. as they are usually whitelisted or passworded and not persistant across other servers. e.g. all the time you put into a survivor is only on that server so you'll keep going back to that same server.

white list = if you're not on the list, you dont play on the server and

password usually requires you signing up on the sites forum and get to know the servers community.

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I play on private servers too but most are not whitelisted or passworded! You just enter them as you do any server but the main difference to keep in mind is that when you join a server that has "private hive" and "chernarus" in the title you are not playing your official dayz character and will start a new character on that server's hive (a hive is a group of linked servers).

The only truly frustrating thing about private hives is they can be unpredicatable and you have no one to complain to if things go wrong - such as an immature admin killing players. (Has happened to me a number of times)

By unpredictable here's an example of what I mean: according to dayzcommander I spent yesterday playing only Namalsk servers, which I didn't. I don't play Namalsk - it's just that the admins on the servers where I played have today changed to the namalsk map without warning. So I've lost everything I had on those servers. And it happens repeatedly every day, servers down, maps changed,

On the plus side, a good active admin can make all the difference to the game, and passworded whitelist servers means little chance of hackers getting in! :thumbsup:

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If you´re looking for "small" maps (needing less "power"), then go for Namalsk, smallest map (I believe), and it´s a decent play anyways.

I play on Namalsk and Cherna, mostly Chern cause I´m oldschool.

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