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[C9] 'Cloud 9' Recruiting Australian Sniper and Spotter! (6 man squad)

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We are a tight-nit group that succeeds solely on trust. We trust that the guy behind us has got our ass as we have his. Trust is something that is not exhibited when encountering strangers in the DayZ Planet so having a group that can work together puts us at an extreme advantage to others. However plenty of skill and a tactical mindset is also necessary to survive. Mind you, we do not just want to survive, we want to survive luxuriously. If we want something, we take it. If it will better our chances at survival, we do it. If it's threatening us, we kill it. Take, Do, Kill. All traits of a bandit, yes? Yes. You could call us bandits, however we are not ruthless in killing; we don't KoS. An unarmed man does not pose a threat. A man on his own against us as a group, is not a threat. If there no gain from our actions, it is simply wasted effort and that is what we live by in DayZ.

We have been playing DayZ for some time and have developed certain skill sets that ensure survival and hope you will expand on your own skill sets by experiencing the game with us. We work as a squad, each member as crucial as the next and we look to conquer areas for our own. Since everyone and their mother is a sniper we incorporated incorporate this into our strategy and eliminate targets from long range. We aren't a huge gaming clan, we are simply a group that knows and trusts each other in order to achieve our goals.

Mind you we do have fun just doing stupid shit but we can switch our focus when it is necessary.

One condition on joining us is that your balls have dropped (guys) and you don't sound like a 10 year old girl (guys). We have recently lost some members and are looking for more players to complete our squad and expand onto a second squad. We are mostly based in Australia, however US players can match time zones if they please. We usually play on US servers anyway as there aren't a massive variety of AU servers. We mostly play the maps (in order) - Namalsk, DayZ, Fallujah and Lingor Island

Now that that's out of the way...


  • 16+
  • Decent mic (no tornado headsets)
  • Skype
  • Don't hack while playing with us (don't care what you do in your own time)
  • Be familiar with team environments
  • Be comfortable talking to peopls
  • Know when to be serious and when to chill out
  • Have moderately decent computer/internet
  • Follow orders during operations
  • Don't curse every second word, but put up with crass language


Cloud One (AU):


Cloud Two (US/UK):


Cloud Three

To be confirmed

If you are interested in joining please leave a post here or PM me with your skype and fill out the following:



Skype (can PM me):

Have you played with other clans?:

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:

How long have you played DayZ?:

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:

Current Squads:


[C9] xJaz (Sniper, Squad leader of Cloud One)

[C9] Mujos (Medic)

[C9] Fizzypizzy (Assault)


[C9] Coolclone (Sniper, Squad leader of Cloud Two)

[C9] Supercake (Medic)

[C9] Zombie (Assault)


Terror as sniper

Silent_Jamie as assault

Dragonweed as assault

Edited by xJaz
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Age: 16

Country: UK

Skype: I'll PM u

Have you played with other clans?: Yes, one clan.

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Usually, I rather work as one of the squad members, my leadership skills in DayZ aren't the best.

How long have you played DayZ?: 5 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): I properly LOVE being a sniper, is my favorite weapon and I can shoot from long range without needing rangefinder. I also wouldn't mind being a pilot, I have good skills when it comes to helicopter or other vehicles.

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

- I have a good aim.

- I'm patient when it comes to waiting for a prey or other reasons.

- I know when to shut up and listen to a leader.

- I don't break rules.

- I'm mature, but I enjoy messing around with friends.

- I have good sneaking skills.

- I know map well (Stock map)

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: I would be shocked and confused probably.

Thanks for the chance for applying.

Regards TerroR

Edited by .TerroR.

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Skype (can PM me):Killerpoju69

Have you played with other clans?:

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:I'm not leadership material, but if needed I'll be there. Prefer Squad member

How long have you played DayZ?:5months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):Assault/Medic

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

-Good shot



-I know the original map quite well

-Obeying to the leader

-Available daily (except when not in town, in holiday or a test week is coming up)

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:Confused? If he had a gun up and he would aim at me, I would probably shoot him

(I saw that you guys mostly play on US and AUS servers, maybe we could make a Cloud 3 that would be based on European servers? I mostly never lag on the US servers, but sometimes hard to play on monday-friday because of the time difference)

Edited by Agamashi

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Skype (can PM me):in the process will have within the day

Have you played with other clans?:no

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:not really my thing but if needed i will do so as commanded

How long have you played DayZ?:0hrs thought id get into a clan to learn more before i play

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):sniper or pilot

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):i am very cautious and stealthly

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:kill the betrayer?

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Skype (can PM me):blake91495

Have you played with other clans?:yes

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:yes and i can also follow orders

How long have you played DayZ?:6 Months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):Assault or Sniper/Spotter

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):Funny ,Clam, Not afraid to Fight,and Will always risk my life to save anothers

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: find his killer and let him/her get revenge

Edited by Superman914

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Skype (can PM me):meat-rocketeer51

Have you played with other clans?:yes, one.

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:yes, if it leads to that.

How long have you played DayZ?:i got it a week after it was released.

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):whatever one that will be in the action.

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

-know my way around most of the maps

-good navigator

-pretty good shot, and good in a team firefight

-ive done about all you can do in the game at least once

-listen to orders well

-im a bandit to those that are not in my group

-i play dayz a lot, and for long periods of time

-enjoy playing with a group of friends.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:If i knew where his killer was, i would find him and get revenge, then pick up my dead allies junk and meet up with him.

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I m english 14 though

Sniper my gear is AS50 L85

On all time

decent internet

skype is daloubprime

Hero also

Kill only if nessarcy are threat

and serious

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Age: 15 (Maybe you could make an exception.)

Country: US (Can match timezones)

Skype (can PM me): Will PM

Have you played with other clans?: Not Yet

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: No.

How long have you played DayZ?:5 Months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Sniper

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one)

- Good, patient shot..

- Work well under pressure. (Bandit Situations)

- Can follow instructions

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: Calmly, it happens all the time.

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Age: 16

Country: US of A, Indiana

Skype (can PM me): Username: Coolclone01 Name: Robert Coleman

Have you played with other clans?: Yes, several tactical realism units

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Yes, I have had experience with leadership positions and am comfortable with the role.

How long have you played DayZ?: For 4-6 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Sniper, scout, spotter, assault, driver.

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): Extremely good shot, I can blend in with surroundings very well, have a calm and collected mind under fire, very tactical.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: Shocked and angry. Would probably hunt them down on my own time and bring back their head.

Edited by Coolclone
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Age: 16

Country: USA

Skype (can PM me): Name: joe.coffin2 Username: THE COFFINATOR

Have you played with other clans?: yes

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: I prefer to follow others, but will cast make myself heard if need be.

How long have you played DayZ?: 4-6 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Medic, spotter, assault

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):Work well with team, good as a spotter for a sniper, also good support/ medic. I understand the importance of team work, and would do anything to help the team out even if it means potential death.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: I would not act rash, but I would react with the necessary actions, wether that be vengeance or letting the guy go if it would not be worth it.

Edited by supercake

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Skype (can PM me):jammy_dodger94

Have you played with other clans?:Yes only 1

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Possibly

How long have you played DayZ?:About 3-4 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):Sniper/Assault

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

-Good at watching eachothers back.

-Vehicle Driver

-Good Aiming

-Mature player but can have fun.

-Good Helicopter Pilot

-Understanding commands given

-I know the map well


If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: If I was there I would shoot them to (stop them stealing our things) then inform the squad leader about it.


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Skype (can PM me):dragonweed1

Have you played with other clans?:no

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: im mostly good with taking orders...i dont know how good i am at giving them

How long have you played DayZ?:5 to 6 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): pilot,assault

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):i know the roads very well, i know what most of the road signs say, i know how to find north and south without a compas.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:id confirm with the group leader first...just to make sure it wasnt some sort of mission to assassinate another traitor

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Skype (can PM me):thuleman3

Have you played with other clans?:Yes

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:yes

How long have you played DayZ?:4-5 months now

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):Sniper/Pilot

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

Amazing pilot

good with cars

Good with guns

Good with Aiming guns

My mic isnt a tomato

I like Humor

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: Help him seek revenge

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Need a Spotter and a Sniper for Squad one, AUSTRALIAN or Be active during aussie times

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Age: 16

Country: USA GMT-5 (usually active during aussie times)

Skype (can PM me):jomanj4

Have you played with other clans?: No

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:Yes

How long have you played DayZ?: About 4 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Spotter, sniper, driver, assault, gatherer

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): Good aim, laid back, stealthy, good with cars, able to think under pressure, and good working with others or on my own.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: Report it to my squad leader, and see what he/she has to say, and take it from there.

Edited by jomanj

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Age: 19

Country: Canada

Skype (can PM me):Dakota.Mazz

Have you played with other clans?:I was a leader of a squad a few months back

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Yes, refer to above

How long have you played DayZ?: 6 months

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): CQB / Sniper / Spotter

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):Stealth, Intuition, In-Out strategy, always come out alive, bandit mindset.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: I'd back hand the enemy

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G'day Xjaz

Finally got around to purchasing arma II pack from steam on special :) and have been playing way too much!.

After spending the last few days learning the game mechanics and studying the areas (loot,supplies,terrain) It is now on the top of my too do list to find a clan with a similar mind set to my own.

Came across this post while searching for an Aussie clan, from what i can see by your introduction to C9 is that its a team-play first orientated clan with a structured squad assignment.

If your still looking for an Aussie recruit that is willing to follow C9 Ideals and rules then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Enough rambling time to scope out some areas in Dayz.

Take it easy mate.



Country: Australia, Adelaide

Skype (can PM me): dave.gunnulf

Have you played with other clans?:In Dayz Z no, Other games such as Operation Flashpoint, CS, BF2 and the list goes on.

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Yes, My job entails leadership

How long have you played DayZ? Only a Week however learning quickly, Its amazing what reading and dayzdb can teach.

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Sniper / Spotter as to be one you must know the other, Don't mind being a medic and can play a hybrid of the 3 if needed.

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):

Range and Target allocation (elevation etc ... learnt from OP Flash), Stealth, Reconnaissance,Communication and most importantly team work.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:Every action has a reason behind it, I wont lie and say i wouldn't be upset by it however such is life, Find new equipment, learn from the mistake and move on.

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Age: 19

Country: Australia

Skype (can PM me): Australia

Have you played with other clans?: No

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: maybe but I would rather gain more skill before getting into a leadership role

How long have you played DayZ?: whenever 1.2.4 came out.

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): prefer sniper/spotter, have been a medic in many different games so I am good at that too. but will do whatever is neccesary

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): Cautious, Stealthy, good pilot skills, good driving skills, flexible in tactics.

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: hold up traitor or kill if unable to interrogate.

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Age: 16

Country: AUS

Skype (can PM me): LiiLpandaxo.

Have you played with other clans?: N/A

Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?: Currently a squad captain for the other game "WarZ"

How long have you played DayZ?: Played it awhile ago but stopped because my game had some issues which lead me to uninstall

What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.): Sniper

List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): WarZ , specialty with snipers especially, had a couple of kills with the sniper and usually a role of sniper in other games black ops, black ops 2,

If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: If one of us to betray us, i would have to ask them a reason why he/she would do that at the first place and stay at a distance if he refrains to start shooting at other team members.

Edited by Flamestar221

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