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{87th} Ranger Battalion Recruiting (Open Recruitment)

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Welcome everyone to the {87th} Rangers Battalion Recruitment:


Purpose: After the initial breakout of the infection many government organizations fell, streets were filled with chaos many people were looting building, killing each other while trying to survive and adapt. Many military battalions fell during the first few months of the infection but a few did not,The 87th Ranger Battalion suffered casualties but survived the initial infection. After that we began doing helicopter patrols over the cities looking for survivors and possibly new recruits we were successful and gained new members (you). Our main mission from then on was to support survivors with supplies, weapons and transport.

Initial Recruitment: Once you were dropped off at base you were asked to answer a few questions to test your loyalty:

1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)

6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)?

After the Questioning you will be assigned to a squad! Thank you for applying/reading!

Team speak Information: 87thrangers.teamspeak3.com

Password: None

Port: 7389

Edited by {87th}Col.Kyle

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1. I have before but not now.

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Attack with a retaliation of taking out the shooter.

5. Medic

6. Flew a heli for 2 months for one clan.

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1. Yes, CHRTB, 75th Cavalry, 75th Regiment, Kenyan Warriors, Optic, Phase Clan,

(I was probably the only person who made a decent contribution to each of these clans)

2. I work well in squad environments that have mature players, I'm hoping these squad leaders arent some 15-year old punks. I'm fed up with clans like this.

3. Only if the people on the other side are being stupid, I usually hate having to deal with some punks over the internet though.

4. I would proceed with taking the items off the corpse. Do you think i'm dumb not to? It's DAYZ! How would you know what I did...

5. Obviously I'd be the pilot, walking is too boring.

6. I can drive/fly any vehicle to any location with ease, I even had a drivers license in real life back when I lived in Iran.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application, I hope your clan is not involved in cheating/hacking of any sort.

Edited by Legendary_Mike
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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

KKK, FaZe, Optic.

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

Yes I Served in Iraq and Afghanistan

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

No I would dis band the clan

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

Join the killer survival of the fittest

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)


6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)? I can fly taliban airforce planes

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

Not at this juncture but I have been in klans such as the UKIP, BNP, KKK and I was even a spititual leader at the WBC

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

Yes, I am god of social activities. I often take part in orgies, gang bangs and massive swinger parties.

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

I would think so, I am a legend at this sort of thing.

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

I would dox the team killing faggot and try to date his mother with my foot long

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)

I am best at doxxing, for example the last 5 digits of tristans phone number is 38117 - this allows me to get in the heads of our competition and bring them down from the inside by getting their parents to unplug their internet.

6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)?

Yes, I have 4 RC planes and also have a 3 channel IR helicoptor. I have IRL driving license also but I am 3 points away from driving ban so I had to sell my car but I could get a taxi to your house or what ever.

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TBH if you don't pick me I will post all the clan members personal information and date your mothers.

I will take her out for a nice meal and bang her behind a bus shelter. Make her feel like a slut for that is what she is.

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

No, I have worked in a clan environment before though.

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

Yes, I take orders well and I am willing to fill any role, no matter how large or how small.

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

I would step up and feel comfortable as I have filled leadership roles before.

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

Force the attacker into submission, question him, then bring him to a higher officer for punishment.

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)

I can drive a vehicle quite well. Other than that I can generally fill any role. I don't have an enormous amount with sniping or flying. Other than that I can handle any task.

6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)?

I can drive well, I am currently working on helicopter flying.

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

No I am new to the game and unaffiliated.

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

Yes given enough time to adapt to the game and game controls.

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

Yes, most definitely.

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

Determine the reason of his death, accidental or not, and respond as instructed by the terms of protocol established by this group. Also hold as much of his stuff as possible to return it to him/her as soon as possible.

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)

I would probably want to be either sniper or assault.

6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter?

No, not very well, still traning myself on driving skills.

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1. Currently in another games realism unit, 29th ID holding the rank of PFC.

2. Indeed, I'm in another realism unit for a WW2 game, I understand how it works.

3. Already lead my own personal group of 3 from our websites fourms., just looking for a bigger group with a home server.

4. Attempt to stealth away or at least take a distance, and determine if it was accidental or intentional

5. Preferably sniper, currently geared with my SVD or Support.

6. Could do either, currently am the group of 3 from my other realism unit ( DIfferent game ) pilot and driver.

This is what we found last night, I think if I can fly this, I can pilot :P


Edited by Gorski

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1: no I left a clan about 1 month ago.

2: yes I can, I am one of those people who listen to orders and obey them.

3: yes definatley

4: I would hunt down the killer then kill him, then secure his body for him to get the stuff back or take it then give it to him

5: I would be good as assault or driver because im a sharp shot and Im skilled at driving.

6: yes im very skilled at driving cars and trucks but not much experience with helicopters but I could learn

Please accept I would be very gratefull, thx :)

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1: no I left a clan about 1 month ago.

2: yes I can, I am one of those people who listen to orders and obey them.

3: yes definatley

4: I would hunt down the killer then kill him, then secure his body for him to get the stuff back or take it then give it to him

5: I would be good as assault or driver because im a sharp shot and Im skilled at driving.

6: yes im very skilled at driving cars and trucks but not much experience with helicopters but I could learn

Please accept I would be very gratefull, thx :)

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87th Kyle is a KNOWN ESPer on my server.

Some 87th members ratted him out. As well as super suspicions and reports from every active squad on my server.

His squad rolls around and KNOW he hacks, while they benefit from it as well.

www.LegitDayZ.com <--my dayz community..

Edited by Lucent

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

I left my old squad 3 weeks ago

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:

yes yes Definately.

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

yup i would

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

I wouded ask him to why he did it and If i had a Permission to kick him out if he Shoot him noticed i wouded kick him if he didnt i wouded give him a second chance

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)


6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)?

y i can Drive and fly

Edited by Reflaction

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?:

-No sir.

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:


3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?:

-Without a doubt, and do well at it.

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:

-Depends on scenario. Most likely attempt to disarm the member and be humane, but if we cant reason, lead will.

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)

-Im an all round guy, specially with aircraft but Im new to Arma 2 so maybe not yet.

6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)

-Drive yes, fly no.

Edited by Duke Wayne

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Please ignore the troll posts from some members on this forum post including thegod, lucent etc i cannot delete them so please ignore

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1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?: Not at the moment.

​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?:Yes

3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?: I would prefer not to but i could.

4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?:Kill the other member

5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)


6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)? Both

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I love applying to join the teamspeak to be kicked by a group of dumbass's that wont dont take the time to ask anything but my who i am look at my name kids cant you read clearly im Belze

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Please ignore the troll posts from some members on this forum post including thegod, lucent etc i cannot delete them so please ignore


Ask any member of our community. He is a known ESP, we had a couple hour long discussion with his group of 87 and many of the active squads on the server.

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Ask any member of our community. He is a known ESP, we had a couple hour long discussion with his group of 87 and many of the active squads on the server.

Troll post, I think not, Kyle is a confirmed esp hacker on that server. rated out by members inside, most of the clan is broken up because they didn't want to follow a hacker to another server. Not trying to ruin your thing kyle, but giving information to the people joining your clan.

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