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Does it work?

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Well, I've been playing dayz for a while, around 2 months.

I have a friend, and he's really interested in buying ArmA2 and the expansion to play dayz aswell.

The problem is that we live at Brazil, and if you don't know, the internet here is really expensive, and low.

Right now I am paying very expensive for a 600kb internet.

When I bought the game, it took like 5 days to download, and I don't want this problem to my friend.

The thing is: I'd like to know if it's possible to get my game and transfer to his steam, his computer, with an external HD or a good pen driver. Is that possible? The Steam will read the files normally?


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See if he can buy a physical CD / DVD of ArmA 2.

Then you can copy the DayZ mod onto physical media (flash drive, external HDD, DVD, whatevs) and send that to him.

Still he'll be waiting days for things to ship.... so not really saving any time =P

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Enable Steam Cloud on your PC. Download the Arma 2 Folder from steamapps to an external hdd. Login into Steam on your friends computer, log out. Drop AO folder form external to either the common folder or a folder named-same as your steam-id. Log back into Steam, verify AO local content, g2g.

edit- I 'suppose' but am not 100% but, if your friend owns a steam-version copy, as you do. Just drag and drop, login and verify.

Edited by Blunt_Zephyr

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He owns it at the steam, but he doesn't have time to download it, so I wanna help, since I have the arma files already...

So, if put MY arma files to his steam's common folder, will the steam read it like it was downloaded?

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He owns it at the steam, but he doesn't have time to download it, so I wanna help, since I have the arma files already...

So, if put MY arma files to his steam's common folder, will the steam read it like it was downloaded?

My folder is @ *\Steam\steamapps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead.

Yeah, drop the OA folder into the common folder of Steam. Go into Steam app<library(all games)< right click the game <properties<local files<verify integrity of game cache.

Verifying 'may' take a long time (hour+) so dont be surprised but at least your friend will not need to spend time/bandwidth attaining.

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My folder is @ *\Steam\steamapps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead.

Yeah, drop the OA folder into the common folder of Steam. Go into Steam app<library(all games)< right click the game <properties<local files<verify integrity of game cache.

Verifying 'may' take a long time (hour+) so dont be surprised but at least your friend will not need to spend time/bandwidth attaining.

Thanks, I'll try it out. :))

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