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Dat Story Thread

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Playing with two of my pals working our way through the NW Airfield. One buddy with his Lee Enfield picked off somebody on the way in, one of two guys who took shots at us from a field (then the server restarted -.-), and then one final guy across the runway hiding under a rock.

We heard a faint whisper of some people talking, obviously through direct comm. We looked around for them and I saw from the fire hall window three guys crawling towards it from the back. 14 rounds later, all three were dead to my hand. We moved on, finding an M4CCO at one barracks and then moving to the other. Once approaching the other, a zombie got pulled through complete BS - One tick on visibility and sound, from behind a wall 10 feet away. We had to shoot it, which drew in a larger horde and basically locked us in position temporarily. Right as we cleaned up the zombies, we were opened upon and whoever it was triple killed us.

Everything was going so well until that one stupid zombie managed to stop us long enough for a guy to catch up and shoot us. Damn upsetting I tell you!

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