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zombie movements for standalon

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hello, my name is pursuedduke and you may or may not have seen me in the game. i have had issues with the game (i'm not the only one ;) ) i think the zombies should look like this

now i don't know if links are aloud but surely i think this should be aloud. if you can do this add more zombies. a lot more! make it more of a risk! zombies aren't even zombies they run. there should be more to be more challenging! those zombies look amazing. please leave a reply and get this forum popular.

link again:

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In this MOD, the zombies are basically using modified soldier AI, hence it all being a tad wierd. It's being re-written for the SA.

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Sorry, it's just you're title suggests this is a suggestion for the SA.

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In this MOD, the zombies are basically using modified soldier AI, hence it all being a tad wierd. It's being re-written for the SA.

And we are all curious to see, how the outcome will be. What a poem :P

Yeah I know that video and the zombies move alot smoother than in DayZ, but I'm sure Team Rocket can even top that.

Edited by SpittyTheDude

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Those Zeds were smoother animated, true, but I don't think it's as threatening, from a gameplay perspective, if all zombies shuffle like they have superglue in their pubes.

DayZs' runners are the flavour of the week.

(after watching that video, I'm away to increase my FOV and play about with the aiming deadzone :D)

Edited by Chabowski

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I'm not really big on the Infected walking like Frankenstein Monster, plus they are to slow.

But I understand your point on a more smoother animations but Infected need to a lot more dangerous.

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Oh no, the undead mod zombies... I have that mod and they are terrible. They are easy as fuck to kill and the animations are horrible to be honest. The AI also sucks.

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