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Car Batteries

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A snazzy way to throw in a bit more realism and to incorporate electric items!

In Cars

-all cars start with a old, almost used up battery

-can be replaced with or without a toolbox

-medium rarity-about the same as a car wheel?

For items

-can be rigged to a lighting system to light up a town for a time maybe?

-can be jury-rigged in a base as a low-level power source, higher level would be gas generators or wind or solar power

-radios and maybe computer journals and whatnot.

Also, something cool you could do and maybe give a goal besides uber l33t lewtz...

-rig up enough batteries to an old ATC tower and power up the computers

-can take computers to your base to keep as a souvenir

-contain data on what happened during/after outbreak

-also contains coordinatess of old bunkers(one per repaired computer?)that can be occupied and turned into a potentially improved base

I THINK this is original, I browsed the first few pages on searching for car batteries, so don't tell me to use the search engine if it has been said, I TRIED!! :D

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A snazzy way to throw in a bit more realism and to incorporate electric items!

In Cars

-all cars start with a old, almost used up battery

-can be replaced with or without a toolbox

-medium rarity-about the same as a car wheel?

For items

-can be rigged to a lighting system to light up a town for a time maybe?

-can be jury-rigged in a base as a low-level power source, higher level would be gas generators or wind or solar power

-radios and maybe computer journals and whatnot.

Also, something cool you could do and maybe give a goal besides uber l33t lewtz...

-rig up enough batteries to an old ATC tower and power up the computers

-can take computers to your base to keep as a souvenir

-contain data on what happened during/after outbreak

-also contains coordinatess of old bunkers(one per repaired computer?)that can be occupied and turned into a potentially improved base

I THINK this is original, I browsed the first few pages on searching for car batteries, so don't tell me to use the search engine if it has been said, I TRIED!! :D

Beans for some neat ideas but I was a little disappointed to see you overlooked one important use for car batteries - Battery acid, great in water pistols or washing up liquid bottles

you obviously didn't grow up on a south London council estate

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Whatever happened to using car batteries for torture? I need the location of the beans.

*Silvoster Styllanoea*

Another one of those Hollywood things... A normal car battery puts out 12 volts, that doesn't even tickle me.

Edited by Sutinen

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Another one of those Hollywood things... A normal car battery puts out 12 volts, that doesn't even tickle me.

it is not voltage, that kills you, its amperage. 100 mA is enough to kill. and believe me, if car battery can melt a crowbar, there were enough Amps to kill a human

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