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If any group or clan is in need of more "experienced" members

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Hey if your looking for someone i am up for the job

Here is a brief summary:

Age: 19

Mic: Yes

DayZ Experience: 3 Months

Location: South Carolina

Availability: Mostly on week days and on weekends sometimes saturday nights and sundays

Gaming Experience: been playing video games since 5 years old

Favorite genre: FPS because, i love to plan out attacks and use precision to take down the enemy and FPS is the main reason i play PC

Past Games: halo, cod, BLR, CA, AVA, LoL, WoW, PW, CF, CS, Warface, Arctic Combat,

I am very loyal and do not clan hop. I like to follow rules but, also have a sense of enjoyment and fun through the games i play. I like to strategize (especially in day z) and try to come out on top even if it takes a little bit more time for a plan of action. I follow Plan of Action and Rules of Engagement and don't shoot down any fresh spawns on the coast or non-combatant individuals. I try to help anyone out in need or service and i am a great raid leader when going to gather for supplies.

Position Specialty: I am a good soldier when you need someone for protection or missions and can even cover the field as a support/medic officer

and for support i mean (ammo carrier, supplies carrier, toolkit specialist, jerry can refuel-er, and camo gatherer.)

Past Clan: DoV Descendants of Valor "I was going through their trial phase to see if i would become a full member but, i went on a little week vacation with my wife and i came back and my TV and Computer were stolen so i had no way of telling them i wouldn't be on so i got kicked."

If you have any questions or concerns about this feel free to hit me up with a PM or email me at iamshoot@gmail.com


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Hello there if you have skype feel free to message me @guitarplyr2121 I have a nice small clan and would be more than happy to have you in our ranks.

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