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230+ Vehicles - FRIENDLY server - Extra Barracks!- custom Starting Gear [Black Knights] Clan Server - Petunia rMod Hive

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the server is not updated to 1.7.6

Hi :)

The server has JUST now moved to a NEW server :D

We are currently running DayZ (sorry!)

If anyone needs help downgrading to, feel free to email me: admin@petuniaserver.com

We will look to sort dayz ASAP, however as we only just managed to migrate all the gear over etc, it will be a day or so until we manage to do that.

NEW stuff on the new server... Auto-refuel at petrol stations (NOT tested, but should work), AI base is back (but not patrols), and CUSTOM heli spawns (NOT tested, but should work).

Cheers guys!


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yeahhhh great , but why return old ? all stuff reset to zero after migrate

Edited by lonewolf83

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