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230+ Vehicles - FRIENDLY server - Extra Barracks!- custom Starting Gear [Black Knights] Clan Server - Petunia rMod Hive

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NOTE: Server now moved to here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144037-us-petunia-epoch-chernarus-base-building-12-300-vehicles-bandit-ai-active-friendly-admins-car-radios-full-moons-self-bloodbag/


New server (search for: petunia).
rMod installed (need rmod to join click here for info).

The server has JUST now moved to a NEW server :)


Note: IP now changed - new IP: Port: 2302

Server website: http://www.petuniaserver.com/

Server Forums: http://www.petuniaserver.com/forum/

NEW stuff on the new server...

  • Auto-refuel at petrol stations (NOT tested, but should work),
  • AI base is back (but not patrols),
  • CUSTOM heli spawns (NOT tested, but should work)
  • ACTIVE admins (just ask our players!)

What people say about our server:

Checked the server out and its safe to say its a well managed one! GoodLuck :D

I have been playing DAYZ for a good while now and out of the 53 servers I have played this server is by far the best out there hands down!!!

:thumbsup: Well Monitored
:thumbsup: Friendly Players
:thumbsup: Great Admins

hi all ,

this is christophe in game

i love your server , play fun and friendly :thumbsup:



We class our server as a friendly server. Does this mean there will be NO bandits? Probably not!

What it DOES mean, however, is that the admins are active, hackers, whether teleporting, box spawning, or anything else, will be banned, without question. If the logs show someone spawns something etc = lifetime ban.

Admins are friendly! - We want to help. Although there will likely be bandits, we are trying to encourage co-operation on the server, and encourage survivors to make camps, and try to survive as best they can.

For that reason, if we find bandits, who are definitely bandits (kill messages are enabled to assist with this), we will kill them, in order to protect the community. We will NOT script kill bandits, we will NOT ban someone just for being a bandit (bans are reserved for hackers or server rule breakers)... however we will encourage the friendly groups in the server to team up and kill the bandits.

So, if you are looking for a new rMod server, and want to join one that has active admins willing to listen to your woes (provided they are legit ones!) then search for:

Note: IP now changed - new IP: Port: 2302

Server website: http://www.petuniaserver.com/

Server Forums: http://www.petuniaserver.com/forum/

Most of all, HAVE FUN!

Gametracker image in my siggy.

 Note: IP now changed - new IP: Port: 2302

Server website: http://www.petuniaserver.com/

Server Forums: http://www.petuniaserver.com/forum/

Edited by Petunia-Server
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The server had an hour or so downtime as there was an issue at the datacentre (Sorry, datacenter if you are in the US, I guess!)... now back online!

Sorry about that folks! All is well again now though, so welcome back guys n gals!

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I played on here yesterday... Found an mp5 and car (just a skoda, but still, decent start!).

I have only been on for one day, but would you tell me where the base is? Or should I wait longer to prove myself?

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Well, I was having a nice time but I crashed the heli I found, and when I got back to where I left my car, it was gone :(

Could it have been deleted on a reboot, or might someone have taken it?

The server had an hour or so downtime as there was an issue at the datacentre (Sorry, datacenter if you are in the US, I guess!)... now back online!

Sorry about that folks! All is well again now though, so welcome back guys n gals!

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Well, I was having a nice time but I crashed the heli I found, and when I got back to where I left my car, it was gone :(

Could it have been deleted on a reboot, or might someone have taken it?

Well, I doubt the car would vanish due to a reboot, did you leave it somewhere hidden, or was it somewhere easy to see?

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Hey Christophe

Thanks for posting on the thread! Very much appreciated!

Glad you are enjoying the server! Feel free to post about any adventures you have :)

Cheers Christophe!

hi all ,

this is christophe in game

i love your server , play fun and friendly :thumbsup:


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can you play on dayz servers without rmod if you have rmod installed?

Sorry for the delayed reply!

Probably not - but you may only have to remove the ;@rmod from the launch options, or possibly remove the folder, not sure.

I tend to prefer rMod servers myself though :)

Let me know if you need any more help :)

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I have been playing DAYZ for a good while now and out of the 53 servers I have played this server is by far the best out there hands down!!!

:thumbsup: Well Monitored

:thumbsup: Friendly Players

:thumbsup: Great Admins

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What an amazing Server ! My Team and me play on this Server for around an half hour find a heli and shoot some People, now we are banned as Hackers just we found some of their Bases, but can you please told me how you can bann 3 peoples at the smae Time?

Very nice server....

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one question !! can we play on server when dayz standalone is out ???? ha and thx for gift in game (coyote back pack and NVG )

Edited by lonewolf83

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What an amazing Server ! My Team and me play on this Server for around an half hour find a heli and shoot some People, now we are banned as Hackers just we found some of their Bases, but can you please told me how you can bann 3 peoples at the smae Time?

Very nice server....

Actually, you used map hacks to run directly to a hidden chopper, then used map hacks to locate and kill some survivors, then used map hacks to go straight to a base - all straight lines, no deviation etc.

PLUS when you got to a base, EVERY player on the server saw your/your friend's hack pop up (screenshot attached), and then battleye (NOT me as the admin) kicked you FOR HACKING.

So, you were then banned.

Every player on the server, INCLUDING THE BANDITS welcomed your ban, as you were hacking.

Plus you spawned yourselves as50 with a crazy amount of rounds, NVG's, coyote packs etc, all within half an hour (as you yourself point out in your post!) of being on the server.

The ban was actually JUST on our server, but since you felt the need to try to post here and bad mouth us I will submit your ban to the global ban list, along with the proof (logs of battleye kick, and screenshot of your friends hack).




Thank you, and goodbye!

Edited by Petunia-Server
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one question !! can we play on server when dayz standalone is out ???? ha and thx for gift in game (coyote back pack and NVG )

Hi Christophe!

Well, we will be maintaining this server still, even on standalone launch, yes. We may also run a server for the standalone game as well, so both can be played :D

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Checked the server out and its safe to say its a well managed one! GoodLuck :D

Pancake Jackson - thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated, as we really value our players, and try hard to keep everyone happy!

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I have been playing DAYZ for a good while now and out of the 53 servers I have played this server is by far the best out there hands down!!!

:thumbsup: Well Monitored

:thumbsup: Friendly Players

:thumbsup: Great Admins

Excellent! Thanks for the post :) We SERIOUSLY value our players, and try hard to fix any bug-outs or hacker issues!

Glad you enjoy playing on the server :)

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Look at the fact, that we are not hacking, we Team up at Cherno and run wiht the help of the Mapmarker to Nw airfield, at the very first half of our run we find the helicopter on an littele field, we take the helicopter and fly to baltoa to pick up our friends, than we use the mapmarker to fly to the Nw airfield, where we see a bus in the threes, then an Ah6 popped on my Chopper radar, we kill some players found an vodnik hiding in the threes with the As50 in it, because i was alone in the helicopter i fly away straight to the Ural spawn, because we wonna met up there, te i saw yellow point on my radar see a base and told this my team, wenn we wanna land in the Base my screen changed to a white color and my arma 2 crashed, wenn i try to reconnect i was adminbanned.

So please do not say to everyone you see that he is a hacker ;)

Sry for my bad english

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Hi Christophe!

Well, we will be maintaining this server still, even on standalone launch, yes. We may also run a server for the standalone game as well, so both can be played :D

nice very nice , another request ; yesterday i found a camo , i want to know if zombie can see camo or not ????

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nice very nice , another request ; yesterday i found a camo , i want to know if zombie can see camo or not ????

As far as I am aware, Zombies can still see you, yup :)

Not sure if it makes you LESS visible to Zombies, or not - but it certainly helps when hiding from players :P

Not as much as a ghille does though!

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Well, I am sorry, but because:

  • You seemingly just went straight to vehicles, without deviating at all
  • You went straight to a base, that was quite out of the way
  • Your guys all suddenly had loads of amazing gear inc as50's with lots of ammo (way more than you find on a crash site!) even though you had only been on for 30mins
  • Battleye kicked you for hacking (not admin)
  • EVERY player on the game got a pop-up window with some dodgy looking code in it

All the above means that, unfortunately, the admin ban remains in place.

We have some loyal players, and we need to protect them.

No hard feelings, and I wish you guys all the best - but under the circumstances, I owe it to our survivors to keep the ban in place.

I wish you all the best elsewhere though! :)

Look at the fact, that we are not hacking, we Team up at Cherno and run wiht the help of the Mapmarker to Nw airfield, at the very first half of our run we find the helicopter on an littele field, we take the helicopter and fly to baltoa to pick up our friends, than we use the mapmarker to fly to the Nw airfield, where we see a bus in the threes, then an Ah6 popped on my Chopper radar, we kill some players found an vodnik hiding in the threes with the As50 in it, because i was alone in the helicopter i fly away straight to the Ural spawn, because we wonna met up there, te i saw yellow point on my radar see a base and told this my team, wenn we wanna land in the Base my screen changed to a white color and my arma 2 crashed, wenn i try to reconnect i was adminbanned.

So please do not say to everyone you see that he is a hacker ;)

Sry for my bad english

Edited by Petunia-Server

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hey , have you updated the server ???? i ma not able to play , the version differ

Edited by lonewolf83

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