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DayZtakistan - (1.4.1/98866) - Hosted By Xainn | HFBServers.com, Caesar admin abuse

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Server Name: (Please include this in the thread title also.)

(Your) Timezone: GMT

Date/Time: 16:00 ish GMT

Server Administrator('s): Caesar (presume he is an admin as he restarted the server and threatened to kick me

What happened:http://imgur.com/a/kqWSI - my side of things

Evidence/Proof [Required] : - see above

I sympathise with hacker paranoia, I've been killed by my fair share, but this is getting ridiculous.

I'd love to speak to whoever runs this server if they see this. Thankfully the vast majority of DayZ admins aren't like this, this is my first problem with an admin in 4 months of playing DayZ.

Apologies to the admin who would have had to ignore my previous thread as it didn't have th required info.

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Not a Valid Server Report.

But you look like you put some kind of effort into it, so I'll move it to the Private Hive Discussion.

Thread Moved

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