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Looking for a clan.

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First off, I'm a huge fan of DayZ, and a huge fan of having fun whilst in DayZ. The game should be less about shoot on sight, and more about helping, but don't get me wrong, I will shoot anyone who challenges me in an instant. I'm not afraid to help anyone, and I'm not afraid to shoot anyone.

So, with this in mind, I'm 13 and looking for a clan. I've been playing DayZ ever since June, and I've seen a lot of things come and go. I know the ropes to this game, and I know how to get out of a situation.

If you're interested, tell me in this thread, and I'll either message you my steam name or my skype name.

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in need of another bagman, or someone who can carry stuff and at the same time be a great shot. hit me up on the forums (meaning a pm)

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add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play

my skype in kingkrakrFTW

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(PXMO) Phoenixs Monocle are recruting Join our steam group and teamspeak 3

We have a rank structure and you can advance by being active, doing good deeds for fellow members or successfully pulling of a raid/ attack, etc.

The ranks are:











2nd Lieutenant

Warrant Officer 1st Class

Warrant Officer 2nd Class

Staff Sergeant



Lance Corporal



Lone Wanderer


Steam Name: trampzi

Message me your info or comment below to join:



Skype Name (PC Only):

Steam Name (PC Only):

Gamertag (Xbox 360 Only):

Why You Want To Join?:

What Games Do You Have?:

Country Of Residence:


Trades (you can be more then one)

Soldier (Infantry)

Machine Gunner (any light machine gun/ heavy infantry)

Medic (carries med supplies)

Sniper (sniper rifle and ghillie/ covers a group)

Driver (drives cars)

Pilot (pilots planes, choppers etc)

Scavanger (binoculars, camo clothing, silenced CQB weapons/ goes into unknown locations for items and info)

Spotter (range finders, ghille, silence weapons, range on targets and scouting misc.)

Chef (carries food and drink for the team, creates campfires and cooks meat)

Grenadier (M4A1 HOLO/ M16A2 M203 etc)

Statistics (keeps track of supplies, plans tactical movements and attacks/raids)

Mechanic (repairs/fuels things like choppers and cars)

Negotiator (talks to other survivors and does trades) Hunter (hunts animals for meat and fills water bottles at ponds/lakes) Trades (you can be more then one)

Teamspeak IP (Status: ONLINE)

Leadership positions avaliable. Msg me for more info.

Check our thread page for our logo as Its too big to fit on this thread without being annoying

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Hello there folks, my name is ItsJustKfoss and I'm the Co-owner of the gaming community Justsmilegaming.com

Our servers are located in the UK and we use a Private Hive server.

JustSmileGaming.com launched about two-three days ago starting with a focus on DayZ but with a vision of supporting more games with interest.

You can consider us a clan as we have appliations to join our squad(s) which we'd want to maintain in groups of 5-7 people meaning that if you see alot of our clan tags on the server then they're probably split in squads.

Our IP for the server(50 slots) is:

Our IP for the TS3 Server:

As for the server it contains the following:

-24/7 daylight (Poll for this in the future.)

-Vehicle limit 100 (With 2 choppers)

-Loadout starting with compass giving you the choice to get off the coast more easily or stick to the coast for more PvP.

-Rollbacks if hackers get in and screw the server over.

-Restarts every six hours with several warnings before it restarts.

-Possible Whitelist in the future depending on demand.

This is what we got right now but since we're fresh we're gonna add in custom buildings as we want to see a bit more PvP along the coast and inlands. (A poll will decide the layout of custom buildings)

We're looking for active and laidback members as we feel we want to get to know the community. We are also going to open up admin positions once members stop popping in so be active on the TS3, forums and ingame and you might have a chance to get one if we see fit.

Thanks from us at JustSmileGaming.com for reading this.

Hope to see you soon!

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