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I returned from a 3 month break.

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I stopped playing as it just got boring, knew the original map inside out and had a very good collection of god items in my camp.

I decided to give the Namalsk map ago & oh my it's off the freakin chain.

Smaller map, easier to get high tier weapons i.e. anything better than a akm. Many more features and guns and vehicles.

In one hour i ran into 7 people in the wilderness compared to originally i would usually see no-one. went through AKM>M16a2>M14.

Killed one player, evaded the rest, then when i got to this bunker(object all) where you can get a guass gun, i threw 2 grenades in (delayed the second throw to see if someone was gna camp the ladder) and climbed down the ladder then got killed by someone who somehow dodged both grenades.

This was a welcome change and i recommend anyone else who is thinking of retiring from dayz to have a look at this mod because it's so awesome!

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There's many maps available now. Some are smaller and suit players like you that prefer lot's of encounters, high spawn rates ect, others are larger and suit people that prefer longer term goals, exploration and so on. Choice is always a good thing.

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Panthera is a good tropic-desert map mix.. it has more military loot spawns, somewhat reluctant in fact. Three or Four airports available and multiple FOBs with good military loot. Good vegatation and map all in all

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Namalsk is an enigma of a map. On the one hand food and survival tools seem to be incredibly rare, making genuine survival much more difficult especially when you factor in how cold the map gets. On the other hand the sheer abundance of military loot feels like it encourages deathmatch/KoS game play. Life is even cheaper on this map because you can be geared up in less than 10 minutes if you get a good spawn point.

Overall I think it's a refreshing change. I like that basic survival is more difficult and that you have to keep yourself warm and stuff, although I think Namalsk goes a little bit TOO far at times. I'm almost always shivering when I spawn and sometimes I catch a cold before I even find a gun.

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namalask is what Chernarus should have been.

the hunt to find basics is an epic balance of eat/drink it now or risk not having enuf for later.

add in the enviro-damage and u have a great exploration map. that doesnt treat u with kid gloves

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Can anyone recommend a good server running Namalsk? I've never played anything but Cherno, so I don't know where to look.

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Can anyone recommend a good server running Namalsk? I've never played anything but Cherno, so I don't know where to look.

AU46 Private Hive

I would suggest playing Namalsk its like logging into a ski trip filled with zeds, mil outposts and lines of heatpacks to keep your toes warm.

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Can anyone recommend a good server running Namalsk? I've never played anything but Cherno, so I don't know where to look.

Couple good servers are Deadly Gaming, and another called La Cantina.

The latter is always full so watch yourself. they are both public hives.

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AU46 Private Hive

I would suggest playing Namalsk its like logging into a ski trip filled with zeds, mil outposts and lines of heatpacks to keep your toes warm.

I aways need a bigger straw for those heatpack lines.

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I aways need a bigger straw for those heatpack lines.

I wanted to keep it classy with the dollar bill over the mirror. Now after spending the night on a mountainside near Sebjan I'm clearing out chemlight fluid and keeping the capsules just for a bigger intake device.

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