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My biggest problem with Day Z

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Firstly, I'm a long-time OFP player, since the beginning, so that's over 10 years. The controls of the game engine have always sucked, but I was always able to live with it.

It didn't ruin the game, because it was all about sneaking around, taking it easy, and if in some hectic moment I got killed, ran my jeep into a tree or had my tank jam in the scenery because of the laggy and unresponsive controls, it wasn't game-breakingly annoying, because of the save games/checkpoints.

Now Day Z has permadeath, which is awesome. But when hours and hours of careful stealthiness and exploration and loot gathering end not because of a mistake I made, or being beaten fair and square, or even sniped by a ruthelss bandit, but because I couldn't find the damn ladder hotspot, or opening a gate magically pushed me behind it, trapped and desperately looking for the close gate hotspot, then trying to find the right spot to stand so I can activate the open hotspot without getting pushed again, well that is just plain stupid. It just ruins all the hours of buildup I had in one incredibly frustrating anticlimax caused by technical game engine issues.

People will say it's alpha so shut up, but the engine isn't, the controls aren't. It's over 10 years old and has always had these problems. I sincerely hope Arma 3 fixes this, but I'm a little pessimistic.

Do a kickstarter for "implementing smooth non-laggy controls into the arma engine" and I'll put in $100.

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"We do what we must

because we can.

For the good of all of us.

Except the ones who are dead.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake.

You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

And the Science gets done.

And you make a neat gun.

For the people who are still alive.

I'm not even angry.

I'm being so sincere right now."

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One would think after 10 years of playing you would be the only one not complaining about this bug because you've dealt with it so long. :) Might not be something that can be fixed on the current engine so best bet is to hope it's fixed on Arma 3 (and I agree 100% it needs to be fixed).

I've lost a few characters myself to ladder and door issues as I imagine anyone playing Day Z for any length of time has. I've just learned to accept there are many ways I can lose 10+ hours of intense gaming to a bug in this game. Fortunately I still find immense joy in starting on the coast and trying again.

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Might not be something that can be fixed on the current engine so best bet is to hope it's fixed on Arma 3 (and I agree 100% it needs to be fixed).

^^^^ This

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One would think after 10 years of playing you would be the only one not complaining about this bug because you've dealt with it so long. :)

Like he said, he did not care about them because other mods or vanilla in the series have saves/checkpoints.

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