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Awesome DayZ Event next weekend

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I am hosting an event next weekend for our existing community players and inviting some new players also.

We have 2 servers on private hive, one for daily-play and one where i will be hosting weekly events.

If you are interested in joining our community then please register on our forums http://1hw.co.uk/home and then post in our registration thread http://1hw.co.uk/for...-post-here#last

Once accepted you will be able to play on our servers on a daily basis and for the weekend events. The next event goes like this...

ext week on the events server i wish to host an event that promises to be fucking awesome!

It could be argued that its more Arma than it is DayZ but then again i would argue that DayZ is Arma! Also if thats the case then this one can be called Arma with the added threat of Zombies.

On the map of Fallujah we will have 2 teams - Marines and Rebels

The marines are on a search and destroy, rescue mission to secure 3 points in the city. There will be 3 areas each with an asset belonging to the marines. These will be a downed Chinook Helicopter, downed Huey helicopter and UN convoy vehicle. The marines have to get to them and fix/repair them and flying them out by going into the city that is guarded by the Rebels who will be both camped up defending the items of value and surrounding the town keeping lookout for points of entry by the marines. This will be a Teamspeak event that you will be in a channel with all of your team.

Marines will be kitted out in Camo/Guillies and host the military grade weapons that you would expect them to have & vehicles to boot.

Rebels will be dressed just like they spawn, armed with AK's AKM's G17, M14AIM and they will outnumber the marines 2 to 1 with rebel vehicles like motorcycles, pick-up trucks with mounted MG's.

Rebels outweigh the Marines in man-power but the Marines carry a large amount of firepower to balance the event however the Marines will have to be very very careful not to die too often and allow the Rebels to arm themselves with the weapons of the fallen Marines. Marines have the ability to be para-dropped by cargo plane or helicopter or simply by force!

Each person upon spawning in will be picked up by chopper/bus and taken to your teams starting point, where you will find pre-placed vehicles and weapons so the fight wont take long to kick-off.

We will switch sides once the event is complete and the marines have won, or the pussies are continually raped by the rebels with no end in sight.

Also see this page from our website... http://1hw.co.uk/forum/page/1/m/2793920/viewthread/4915961-awesome-dayz-event-next-weekend

I will add content to this thread as the week progresses.

Edited by B0x73r

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