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Looking for a group/clan.

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Hello, I'm looking for a clan on any type on server/map (prefer Namalsk or Chernarus). If it's a Private Hive I'd like someone to pick me up, introduce me etc. If there is a clan server, that would be lovely. I'm more of the person that plays the game for fun, but when we have free time, I'll mess around ;).

IGN: Aundre_

Skype name: Aundre__

Experience(time played) : 3+ Months

Age: 13

Clan/squad: --------

Country: USA/East Coast

Edited by Aundre_

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You could team up with me and a couple of my friends... we don't really have a clan but I'm joining one soon

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You could team up with me and a couple of my friends... we don't really have a clan but I'm joining one soon

You could team up with me and a couple of my friends... we don't really have a clan but I'm joining one soon

Add me on Skype sometime - Aundre__

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