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"Xtreme Survival Server" The New Expert Server

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"Xtreme Survival Server"

A private hive

Alright survivors, we have a brand new server for you today. This server is meant for those who want the most realistic Zombie Apocalypse possible with the tools provided in DayZ. Our server has a few settings in place to help coerce you true survivors to give us a try, if you've got the balls.

Settings so far:

(DayZ Commander shows several of these incorrectly)

DayZ Version 1.7.3

It's a Private Hive

No third person

No tracers

No nameplates

No hip-fire crosshairs

No death messages

No waypoints

We are currently at the default number of vehicles with plans to expand the number and types

It's currently at GMT +1, so it is daytime right now, but that will probably be changed

Great antihack protection and very active admins

Things you should know:

We are looking to create a more realistic environment, centered around immersion

Little to no side chat allowed (we wont chop your balls of for accidentally using VOIP in side)

No duping

No hacking

No combat logging

Heros, Bandits, and Nuetrals are all welcome

Again, DayZ Commander shows several fields, like DayZ Version, incorrectly

We want to hear what you think a truly realistic server should be like, so we are open to input

We plan on being around for awhile

Can you survive?

"Xtreme Survival Server"

Edited by Method454
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We've had people come through, not a ton, but not enough either! Come check us out people.

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There should be no reason that you cannot find the server.

I have just tested it out and found it on dayZ commander.

Try this IP if your having more problems:


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I'll check it out tomorrow and see how this first person only thing works out, should be great fun.

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Not to mention, it seems like all of us on the server are easy prey, cause we're just a bunch of nice guys! Come one you evil bastards! You can't handle Expert settings?!?!?!

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I'll have to say, playing first person only makes this a completely different game; it's way more intense and I would recommend at least one play through for anyone who plays dayz.

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Yeah, it sure is alot scarier, not to mention challenging. Somehow though, we still seem to only have heroes and neutrals.

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What country is this server based in?

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