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NoyZ (DayZ)

VOID takes your stuff

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That's right boy and girls. VOID clan server is up and running. It is private with a custom loadout of 10 Stanag, M16A2, map, knife, compass, 3 bandades and . . . . . . . . . . wait for it . . . . . . . . . N V G's!!! This is going to be a PvP server so if you come looking for friendlies, it will be at your own risk. If you can't defend yourself with an M16 I don't know what to tell you . . . This will be a fairly run server with all forms of hacking earning an IMMEADIATE perma-ban.

Of coarse there will be a ping kick so all you lagging Dead Frontiers' can kick f'n rocks. *smouch*

As far as any butthurt that shows up like our last thread, you are welcome to come take it out on us on this----->

1031 Chernarus <------ server. Leave it out of here, please.

We may be recruiting individuals that show promise and muturity.

Edited by NoyZ

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Thought we had some real compition yesterday but it just turned out to be a bitch ass, tiny caulk'd hacker lacking the skill to play the game right. LMMFAO!!

Tired of hackes? Come play over here. 24/7 active admins with the power to kick some hacker ass!!

I believe the way to get better at something is to fight players better than yourself. We need some schooling ya'll !!! Good natured compition here for those that can handle it.

Edited by NoyZ

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All this pain is an illusion.

Thats right. = ))

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Kind of a late bump here, but I have some unfortunate news about US 1031. An admin by the name of Frankie Gats apparently has no experience running a game server, or even a forum perhaps. Why do I say this? Because he just banned two very innocent players (that were actually kind of enjoying the server) for hacking. Yes, there was hacking going on. No, it was not me or the other player he banned.

The first hack to occur was someone changing the time from near midnight to probably something like midday. When the chat exploded asking who did it, one player who got banned, named Osirah, said, in a joking manner "It was me. I am God." He was immediately banned without any further questions or checking of the logs.

The second hack to occur was someone killing off every player on the server. At this point, I was pretty sure that I was going to get framed for the hacking. I said in chat "So I guess that's the hacker." and shortly thereafter "I wonder when I will die." It was here that Frankie Gats banned me, also without any further questions or log checking.

Any experienced admin knows that you need to have evidence to ban someone, because if you don't you'll probably ban someone who is entirely innocent. Frankie said he was in the process of checking the logs, which would have obviously shown that neither I nor Osirah was hacking in any way, shape, or form. I don't care if I get unbanned, but I want Mr. Frankie Gats to know that if he continues to behave in a childish, unprofessional, and inexperienced manner that he will lose the server all of its players. Also, he needs to actually ban the right people.

I'm not trying to prove I'm innocent, I'm trying to prove that I'm not guilty. Check your logs, you'll see.

Other than that non-sense, it was kind of fun.


Eddie Mummy

Plot Twist: What if it was Frankie Gats hacking the whole time?

Edited for typos and more information.

Edited by Kaltivel

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The fact is that Frankie is not the admin/owner of the server. However, there are multiple admins who have access to DART in the event one of the main admins are not on. Usually a ban has a good reason for it to happen but it could have been done in error. We had a major incident with hacking one night so a lot of people happened to get banned as a result. All that your friends or any other player would have to do is just request to be unbanned and they would be unbanned.

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