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Looking For A Small Group...

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As of the time I this is posted, I died on DayZ 10 minutes ago which sucks...

Anyway, I'm looking for a small group to play with on DayZ as I decided to buy DayZ at the time most of my friends lost interest in the game. I'm 14 years old, which could hinder my chances of finding a group to play with but I'd like you to know that I am mature. I don't intend on being a Bandit any time soon, so if your group is focused around killing just about everyone then move alone :P I use Skype and Mumble and have no objections to using Teamspeak.

Cheers for reading,

- Saul

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If you guys get a good group going, send me a message about joining our password protected Official server, and come give OBC a run for their gear :)

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