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Veteran European player looking for squad

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Hey guys, my name is SinisTer and I am looking for squad. I am pretty experienced in DayZ, been playing for like 3-3.5 months and nothing surprises me there anymore, I know everything a bandit/survivor needs to know. I had my own squad, but since it became inactive I just said "FUCK THIS" and we are not playing anymore and playing solo is not always that interesting.

I am good at firefights, can zero sniper rifle without problems (Having hard time hitting moving players though) and I am pretty disciplined.

I am looking for veteran, experienced and ACTIVE squad to join, but they have to be from Europe because of timezone. If you are interested to recruit me to your squad hit me up

P.s - I am looking for players who are playing on populated servers, because I don't want to sit on 5 player hive for all day and not get into any firefight I WANT ACTION !

Edited by sinisterltu

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