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Forsaken Raiders recruiting ( 2-4 players needed )

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Forsaken Raiders is a new squad/group me and some friends are starting and we are looking for some more members. We are only wanting a few more players as we dont want a big clan but a little squad that are all active and play together.

  • A mic is needed to join the group as communnication is key
  • we also want someone who can record videos and upload them to the forums or youtube ( but it dosen matter if you cant )
  • there is no age limit but you must be mature
  • you must follow orders from the group leaders
  • we will play on a variety of maps so make sure you have them all

If you are interested in joining us please add me on steam ( death_hunter365 ) or my friend ( SpaJul )

thank you and we hope to see you in our group

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