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Looking for Partner!

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Hey, Im looking for a well experienced partner for DayZ, Since its kinda boring to run around in the woods alone. im kinda new to the game but i still know how to play^^ add me as friend on steam if you want to help/play with me. Also have mic and be able to speak english! Also prefer Europe but other regions can work aswell!

Steam: Noordh95

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Hey mate, So long as you're 18+ you're welcome to play with our clan, we're a very very active in dayz. Tho atm we're playing the new maps having some serious fun ready for Standalone. We have our own server etc. Unlike other clans we dont ask you to jump thro hoops by posting on our forums X amount of times bla bla bla.... If you're a sound guy just jump on, have a few beers and good laugh!

We've recently spend £150 on upgrading our forums to vBulletin so please dont think we're not active, couldn't be further from the truth... Our mumble is very busy every night as you can see on the home page!


Also - We're a UK clan, iseries attendee, we've won a few BF3 leagues and placed 2nd and 3rd at lan!

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Hey I am also looking for a partner if you would rather play in a small group than a clan. I prefer to play at night to avoid aggroing zeds. I am also a fairly new player but my most recent attempt has been reasonably successful. Let me know if you want to team up.

Edit: Also, to the post above mine, what the dilly?

Edited by carpenatedbevrage
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