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Bought the game Patching advice.

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Hello just bought Arma 2 CO and I have only downloaded and installed arma 2 witch is version 1.10. Do I need to install the game patches now or should I download and install OA first?

Also I see the latest version is 1.62 how do I get to this version, must I install all patches from 1.10 to 1.62?


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Save yourself some of the hassle of doing this manually by going to www.dayzcommander.com download, install, patch. Does it all for you. Can also be used to fav servers, DL maps etc etc etc

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Thanks didn't think that would download the patches :) Ok So I just install the other part of game AO and use Dayz commander.

Thanks mate

Save yourself some of the hassle of doing this manually by going to www.dayzcommander.com download, install, patch. Does it all for you. Can also be used to fav servers, DL maps etc etc etc

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MvW, good to see you're still around and about. Had my supply camp raided a while back, then hacker killed 3 times within 2 day(z). Hows the trades treating you?

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It's not that hard.

Download patch 1.60 for OA/CO: http://www.arma2.com...patch-1〈=en

Install it, it will patch your Arma 2 to 1.11 and your OA to 1.60

After that, download & install patch 1.62: http://www.arma2.com...patch-1〈=en

It will patch your game from 1.60 to 1.62.

In order to join (most of the) DayZ servers, you will need one of the latest beta patches, which can be found here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Done. :)

Edited by Nik21
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