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Admin vote abuse

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Server: GB #00 (1.7.3/98443) [VET][GMT] Multiplay :: Acorn 01

Server IP:

Time: Approximately 13:45 - 13:55 GMT/UTC

Player: Dante

Exploit: Using Admin vote system to make himself admin and kick everyone (except himself and friends) off the server.


A player (possible friend of) nominated the player "Dante" to be admin, Dante then voted for himself and became an admin. He then started kicking everyone but himself and friends off the server.

Have reported this to the server admin but I assumed I should report this sort of behaviour here as well.


His "friend" seems to be a guy named "klon". They've once again taken control and kicking everyone (15:20 GMT/UTC).

Edited by Lunatitch

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I can confirm that the player "Dante" is kicking everyone off this server too.

Acorn used to be a nice server until today, now I can't play at all.

He is also restarting the server over and over, maybe re spawning the loot?

Please do something about this, he isn't even the server owner.

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Received a reply from the server owner, he wasn't aware this was happening and changed the admin password, sadly the vote system lets the [censored] work around that and he's still doing it as of now ( 16:14 GMT/UTC ).

Re:DayZ Server Abuse

I've reset the admin password. The control pannel for DayZ on Multiplay is a real pain. Plus the fact that you cant actually ban people makes this a real annoying thing to admin (well done DayZ devs!)

I have also updated the MOTD. If this keeps happening then let me know. I might have to shut it down early. I'd rather have no server than an abused one. I would recommend people to try and get their own private hives. I bought this server when I used to play this game before the hackers.

Take care!


Edited by Lunatitch
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Made the vote percentage 100%.

So if you're on the server and it happens, just don't vote or vote no and they wont be able to sway the vote in their favor.


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I've been scampering around on this server for a couple of weeks, and have noticed people trying this voting scam, and failing, so that fix seems to be working. However, I have come across some other dubious activity, from annoying, where players are combat logging (next version will put paid to that) ;) and outright cheating (god mode etc). Other than the inequity of being found and killed by bulletproof/combat loggers, I will continue to use it.

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On a side note: do you check logs for script kiddies? I have a suspicion that something fishy was happening at 23:38 on 8th Dec (today). A;lone on the server. One other person joins. I wait a while to make sure he's not near me (NWA) no zombies spawn, so I move and suddenly someone in front of me - blam! Not 100% sure but v suspicious. I'll name names if necessary. Of course, he could be very good, very lucky or very patient, but my suspicions were aroused by the lack of zombie activity.

Also, Discovered a dead body of "MadP" in a house at Zelenogorsk at 17.50 on 9/12/12 wearing army gear, ie camo uniform, and helmet. Is this somethingthat can be found on this server or is it hacked?

Edited by mkiii

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