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Mid-Infected walkers

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There should be infected that are in the mid stage of infection. I think this will add much to the fear factor of the game, and give more versatile infected rather then the same old infected, and 2 that are pretty much harmless.

• They should mimic the hoppers stance, but be static unless agro, and should be twitchy. if agroed they run full blast like normal infected.

•They will have better seances then normal infected.

•They scream loudly in broken english, can be herd well outside of town

•They attack both full-infected walkers and players. (berserk in a way)

•Harder to kill since they still have human motivation.

•Hide in dark corners.

•They will have a radius that they can't leave, I don't want them to attack an entire town of infected and clear it out for the players.

•500m Spawn radius. e.g. if someone walked with in 500m distance of these mid infected walkers, spawn points... they spawn.

•Only 0-1 spawns at any time per town.

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I loathe the hoppers' movement - it doesn't fit the 'apex predator' dealio at all

this use of the model totally works: an embattled The Thinker

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I loathe the hoppers' movement - it doesn't fit the 'apex predator' dealio at all

this use of the model totally works: an embattled The Thinker

I agree, Hoppers/crawlers are useless, I suggested in another post that their should be heavy mist to mask their movement and increase their leathality.

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So sort of like L4D witches where it's more of a fear of the dark corners instead of sweeping the streets and running into a building. It'd be cool if these zombies were more likely to spawn with a survivor skin that's been zombified. Maybe even a pack on the back with empty cans and a chance of real loot.

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So sort of like L4D witches where it's more of a fear of the dark corners instead of sweeping the streets and running into a building. It'd be cool if these zombies were more likely to spawn with a survivor skin that's been zombified. Maybe even a pack on the back with empty cans and a chance of real loot.

Sort of like L4D witches, through I don't want there to be left 4 dead style gameplay or mutated zombies.

I think my suggestion is fairly possible in the realm of dayZ and Rocket said he wanted it to have the infected represent a life cycle.

as far as the zombies with survivor skins, it's been suggested before. Originally by me ;) that's a suggestion all on it's own I think

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This would make sense. The kind you are talking about are just called Infected, its a human caught in between human and zombie. The infection is causing their physical levels to increase. I think they should be able to be taken down in one shot, but then they wake up as zombies so this would be a great place to add the whole 'double tap' thing. Anyway this is a good idea.

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This would truly make the game more scary and it would be great to see more types of infected so hear is a little vote for you. +1

P.S. You might get yelled at for bumping your thread so try not to do that let it get the popularity the form users thinks it deserves.

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This would truly make the game more scary and it would be great to see more types of infected so hear is a little vote for you. +1

P.S. You might get yelled at for bumping your thread so try not to do that let it get the popularity the form users thinks it deserves.

Yeah I know, but I only do it when the post gets pass page 50+ or so lol

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This would make sense. The kind you are talking about are just called Infected, its a human caught in between human and zombie. The infection is causing their physical levels to increase. I think they should be able to be taken down in one shot, but then they wake up as zombies so this would be a great place to add the whole 'double tap' thing. Anyway this is a good idea.

Right you are! I think there should be more types of zombies to add to the fear factor and versatile to the zombies. But I do not want to go in to L4D world. I don't know about being taken down in 1 shot, maybe depending on the Cal. of the bullet. but I want it to cause panic and I don't think one shot kills would cause that.

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