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Lament of a (un)lucky bastard

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Hello everyone, this is my first post in this forum. I've been playing DayZ for a while but recently i've been encountering stuff that no survivor or bandit should suffer through. I am no saint, that's for sure, i love sitting on rooftops in Cherno and handing out 50.cal aspirin to every living thing i see, if i have any. So many of you might see the comming stories as "instant-karma" or even just right down justice. Bear with me though.

Event 1

It was a day like any other, i was sitting on the highest building in Cherno while scoping through my M24 to see, if there was any unlucky prey around, what i didn't know is that i was about to be the prey. The prey of the most lowest lifeform there is in this game. Hackers.

I had pretty good gear that i farmed myself throughout many days of just wandering the map, raiding military sites where i find them and just purely being lucky enough to get away with a few aggroed zombies, Even 2 Helicopter crashsites i've found on my way, what are the chances? So i head back to cherno with a newly found M24, tons of ammo, a coyote backpack and some camo-clothing, Rangefinder and NV-goggles. i place myself carefully on the highest building and start to wait like a fisherman, about to get the catch of the day.

All of a sudden i get shot in the face. As my screen starts getting blurry and i'm uncuncious on the floor, bleeding out i see 2-3 people teleporting on top of my building, i know they haven't just spawned there because i was carefully checking every 20 seconds. the last thing i hear is them laughing at me while they just vanish into thin air again.

Event 1.5

After that very unpleasant experience i changed servers. I spawned in Cherno, lucky me. so the first thing i do is heading for the military tents to see if i can gear up atleast a bit again. I didn't even get this far, before i knew it i was surrounded by people in ghillie-suits, every single one of them with an M107 or AS50 and Coyote backpacks that were probably filled with hacked loot. I get told to go prone and drop my hatchett, i do as, what seems to be their leader, says. He starts rambling on through his voice-scrambler that they're the "Squad from Hell" and that they could give me anything i wanted if i joined them. I refused since Hacking is just something that ruins the game in my opinion, so all i'm looking foreward to are getting a couple of 50.cal aspirins myself, but that moron didn't stop talking. It got to a point where i just told him to stop wasting my time and kill me already, that i was getting sick of his huge ego compensating for his tiny cock. I ended up as Swiss cheese on the floor, but atleast i can hope to have taken the fun out of killing me for them.

Event 2

I decided to start up DayZ again and dragged one of my friends with me to Chernarus. We had a pretty normal starting up with finding some shitty weapons first untill we finally found some good stuff like an M4A1 CCO and for him an AKM and some bigger Backpacks, so we decided to hit the airfield, now that all the visual bugs have finally been patched correctly. On our way past Stary, we also look for Helicopter Crashsites, but we found none, someone had found us though. we were on an open field, with now places to hide behind and we always kept an eye out on our surrounding, looking backwards every 30 seconds or so. All of a sudden i hear 2 precise shots, my friend drops, before i could even aim at the guy he stabbed me with 2 bullets aswell. It was, He had no visible backpack and a Bandit-hood-thiny, but him just appearing out of thin air and giving off no more than 4 shots to kill us both before 1 of us even could react made me really suspicious. I also didn't recognize the weapon he was holding as any of the actual In-Game weapons.

Event 3

After taking a few weeks break, after the last encounter of the unfunny kind i decided to join the ranks of Survivors and Bandits on Chernarus again. I Spawn in Three Valleys and remember that it was an easy way to Stary Sobor from there, so off i go. shorty before Msta i find a Helicopter Crashsite. In said Crashsite i found a L85A2 AWS and lot's of ammo for it. I felt like a King for having such luck. I group up with some of my friends that recently picked up DayZ again aswell and we head to Cherno to have some fun. Arriving there, the first thing i see after taking point on a rooftop is 2 dudes on a dirtbike, i start shooting at them, drooling over that wonderfull Thermal-Scope the weapon blessed me with, but something seemed odd. I was shooting right at them, my gun zeroed and i could see the blood splattering out from where i hit them, but they didn't seem to die. All of a sudden my 2 friends are being shot by a silenced gun. I thought myself that was impossible for a Silenced gun on that range. So i hid, went prone and kept away from the edge of the roof. Soon after i can hear someone talking to me, right beneath me: "I mean you no harm *snicker* i'll come up and we can team up *chuckle*", Yeeaaahh right i thought myself as i jammed a new magazine into my trusty new favorite weapon. he tried to come up the ladder so i sunk 3 bullets into his skull, he didn't die. He went back down again and tried to smoothtalk me into letting him up. With the words: "I'm going to fucking piss on everything you love you smallcocked hacker!" i started moving away from the ladder, trying to get a better shot at it. He certainly didn't like that. He came up the ladder and i unleashed a spray of 2 full magazines into his Torso and Head, he wasn't even bleeding. He yelled at me, that he was a hacker and that i chose the wrong day to piss him off. I got killed quite instantly.

Thus concludes the Lament of a (un)lucky bastard and for those who are too lazy to read my stories:

>TL;DR: Hackers are the worst thing ever to happen to this game and each and every single one should die in a fire.

For those who read it, i hope you never ever get into the same situations as i did.

Best wishes,

CyanidC aka 1km

PS: Please excuse if i made some grammatical or spelling errors, english is not my first language.

Edited by CyanidC
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I forgot to add that this thread is intended for you guys to share your hacker/scripter stories. There might be even one glorious bandit outthere that even bested one of those subhumans.

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I have a new story to add, happened today.

Event 4

After succesfully filming some episodes for my Let's Play, i found an M4A3 CCO, i was a happy camper. So i curled up one of the rooftops in cherno and logged out. When i logged in again today on a different server, there was a huge battle going on in Cherno, someone had bait-parked a Helicopter in the square in front of the Firestation, and a team of 2 Snipers were sitting on the highest building, right next to mine. I aimed, i fired 2 shots and took one of them out, leaning out from behind a corner. I know for a fact they didn't spot me, in fact, the other sniper combat-logged. That fucking coward. After taking a good look around i notice a dude, aiming at me with an Enfield, i go prone instantly and a second after i hit the prone button, i hear him ring his dinner-bell, at that point i was already flat on the ground, my head protected by the geometry of this shot and the concrete ledge in front of me. Yet, i took that piece of lead straight to the brain and died. Now, i'm not sure what this was, if "Ub0r L33t H4X" or scripts or just pure server-lag or server-delay, but i know that i was pretty fucking mad. Luckily i spawned near cherno again and was able to sneak past the snipers and other bandits/survivors, to find my body untouched and unlooted, i quickly took all my shit, took another shot at the newly arrived Sniper on the roof next to me(Missed and he logged out again) and logged out myself. What a Day(Z)!

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Event 3 seems kind of pathetic. What did you hope to gain from pissing off a hacker? I would have tried distracting him, and then just logged out of the server.

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Event 3 seems kind of pathetic. What did you hope to gain from pissing off a hacker? I would have tried distracting him, and then just logged out of the server.

well, he had me locked with the 30 seconds combat timer after shooting me and after i sunk those 3 bullets in his head, i refreshed it myself. I didn't know up to this point that he really was a hacker. So before those 30 seconds were up he came up the ladder and started shooting at me, again refreshing my 30 seconds on log-out. I couldn't leave, even if i wanted to, so i tried fighting and got killed.

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I was playing with 2 ackers for hours yesterday, but they weren't the shitty kind of hackers like the ones you've come across. One hacker would tele people to where they wanted to go and would make people dance, and the other would hack in a heli and give people rides. It was pretty sweet :)

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I respect this guy, Hackers can be cool and fun and annoying sometimes but I really think the game should be played the way it was made and thats natural. It's a lot more fun that way! Sure I get mad when I get shot and loose my stuff but it gets really annoying when a hacker is dropping endless 'nades everywhere and screwing with everyone. I guess that's just my opinion though.

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I respect this guy, Hackers can be cool and fun and annoying sometimes but I really think the game should be played the way it was made and thats natural. It's a lot more fun that way! Sure I get mad when I get shot and loose my stuff but it gets really annoying when a hacker is dropping endless 'nades everywhere and screwing with everyone. I guess that's just my opinion though.

Sure hackers can be nice people and give away free stuff for everyone, but it's nontheless ruining the game for everyone else around them since they still have an advantage. Sure, it's definitly less bothersome than some 12 year old with infinite health that doesn't even need your loot, but just kills you and mocks you because it makes him feel all tingly in his nether-regions...

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New one, happened yesterday before i started recording for my LP.

Event 5

I was in Stary Sobor, still packing my M4A3 CCO and was about to loot the tents, when i noticed that there was already advanced zombie-spawn in town. I knew i was not alone, after a quick search i see some dude named "Johannes" standing on the hill, i think he was alt+tabbed or aiming through the scope of his AS50 since he didn't notice me at all, at a good 50 meters distance (enough to trigger the combat timer) i started firing short bursts into his chest, looking foreward to having that nice AS50. When he didn't even flinch after the first 5 hits, i started getting suspicious, so i aimed for the head, 5 more bullets straight to the brain. No reaction other than him finally turning around and starting to move away from me, he saw me and i figured it wasn't worth dying for this, so i ran and dove into a bush, behind a small stone wall, keeping my eyes peeled. He wasn't following me, he wasn't even shooting or doing anything, he was just... Gone. Now keep in mind that he still had to have ATLEAST 15 seconds on the timer, i looked at mine and seeing as it should've started for both of us at the same time i was fairly confused.

To cut a long story short, on a server with only 5 people, i encounter 1 of them in Stary and he's not only invincible, but also immume to the combat-timer and i wasted atleast 10 bullets for absolutely nothing that day.


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I've reached a new level of butthurt today. The shit has hit the fan.

Event 6

Today i was raiding Elektro, after finally having found an M24 and other nice gear in Stary, I went towards the huge office-building in the center of Elektro and there were no signs of another player, lucky me i have a good headset, as i climb the ladder on the building-side i hear the sound of an M1014 reloading. I quickly went for the next ladder and went on top of the building, i could hear the other guy walking around beneath me, so i was lying there, waiting for him to come up or leave. After about 2 minutes of him running around inside he took to the streets, i scoped, zeroed in and as he entered the supermarket across the street, i started firing, he took 3 shots to the lower torso and died. He had a coyote backpack and probably some other nice stuff i really wanted but, the moment i killed him, i got kicked from the server. Why you ask? there was an error-message showing on my screen: You were kicked from the server: Script Restriction #41. I tried and reconnected but it wouldn't let me, neither on any other server. After a pc restart i tried again and spawn back at the coast, all my loot gone. I instantly disconnected and tried another server, where i still had all my loot but, 1 second after i loaded in, i get kicked again. "You were kicked from the server: Script Restriction #41."

So not only did i make a valuable kill, i also nearly got a heartattack from losing all my gear, but when trying to log back onto an other server, i have everything but can't play because i instantly get kicked. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!

Edited by CyanidC

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Im going to help you out...play on US 1979...its private hive but the admins are amazing.

Edited by The_Falconer
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Thanks for the kind words Falconer. All bar one of our admins have a wealth of experience in admining other games, our community has been running since late 2005. We do our best to keep the scripters out, and on the occassions we fail, we'll rollback after mass teleportations/slayings. We've been considering a Whitelist for a while, but that comes with it's own issues, so we're looking at implementing a 'Curfew Whitelist', where we turn the whitelist on overnight when no admin are around.

To CyanidC, you'd be more than welcome to play on our server and explore our redesigned North East Airfield, improved towns, completely custom military installations and other surprise features. We also have custom vehicles and weapons too. As Falconer said, we're private hive, so you may not get that script restriction message...

Im going to help you out...play on US 1979...its private hive but the admins are amazing.

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uuhh, thanks i guess but since i'm swiss, playing on an US-server will give me a +130 to +160 ping and that comes with it's own set of problems.

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We purposely host all our Game Servers in New York to provide the best possible ping for European players. I'm a Euro, and there are at least another dozen or so players from around europe on the server (that i've talked to in TS3), and another two from Australia...

Anyways, you're welcome to join us, if not, good luck!

Edited by Vladivar

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Banditry is punishable by bad luck.Lols, nice.

i call it Instant-Karma.

Edited by CyanidC
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if your lloking for an eu private hive try this one (dayzchernarus - - Veteran/3D:ON/CH:OFF) - (UTC-8) - DayZ UFP EU)

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No problem Vlad... i absolutely love the server and had the most fun i've had in a long time. I play under the alias Gonzalo and my friends from Ireland play with me.

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Well ladies, it has been a while since i had anything to post, but here goes:

Event 7

I was running towards cherno after dying, trying to re-gear and work on my Let's Play, i meet a chill dude on the way that had found a completely fixed up chopper and only needed fuel, so we decide to team up and find ourselves some jerry-cans. The only reason i didn't just murderize him was the fact that i had no gun and that he didn't shoot me on sight. We get into cherno and i can't believe my eyes. what do i see? well, i'll post some screenies i took from my video footage of it. After seeing that weird crap, we decide to hit the docks to search for jerry-cans there, i had luck and found a Ghilly Suit aswell. After about 20-30 minutes of scavenging the industrial buildings we've found 4 jerry cans and enough parts to build yourself a car from scratch, so we decide to grab that neat SUV we saw standing around on a street crossing, but then the game decides that i don't deserve to drive and while i try to get the cherry cans out of my alice backpack, it dissapears, my whole backpack.... gone! oh well i thought and logged out, set up my recording stuff and logged back in to show the world the amazing shit that i saw.


Yes, that is a Destroyer class battleship in the midst of cherno, but wait, he brought a friend.



A link to my channel, where you can watch the whole vid is in my Signature.

PS: this was no private hive server, nor were the loot-tables changed.

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Oh boy, i have been busy being a lucky cunt and nearly shitting my pants today, so there's 2 new stories for you people.

Event 8

I was still running around with my Dinner Bell and my ghilly suit when i decided to head north, maybe find me a better weapon. On my way to Stary i checked by my favorite small town Vyshnoye to see if the car was there, which it was, but i didn't have parts to fix it so i moved on. I went by stary only to find the town partially looted and because i was undergeared for any confrontation i headed straight for the airfield. In hindsight it was not the smartest move but hey, i made it. And the best thing about it was not even at the airfield, on my way there i literally walked into a campsite with 3 tents, i imediatly braced for a hail of bullets, but none came, so i just waited there for a bit, listening closesly into the wild. After i decided that there was nothing bad going to happen to me at this moment, i start looting the tents. 2 of them were empty, but the third one made me squee. A M249 SAW with atleast 5x30 Stanags. I dropped my enfield into that poor suckers tent, took all of his other shit that i needed aswell and just because i felt cocky, i made a map marker on his tent, writing: "Thanks for the M249, Sucker!" and went my ways towards the airfield, smiling happily.

Someone was about to have a worse day than me.

Event 9

After raiding the airfield i logged out, didn't find anything nice. About 5 minutes ago i figure it's a good time to relocate back towards the coast, but my usual server had night-time and i didn't have any NVGs Flares or Chemlights so i just joined a random server, i regreted it after 2 minutes. I spawn in and carefully check out my surrounding, nothing there, not even Z-spawn so i figure i was alone. I start heading south when all of a sudden i hear someone talking in a high-pitched voice behind me. It felt like my bowels were about to prolapse out of my anus. I instantly flailed around to see a bandit with a hatchett, he was sing-talking to me and all i heard was: "HI! I'M LINDSEY LOHAN!" before he could continue his psycho-babble i started spraypainting his torso with my new M249, i could hear him say "OUCH" but that was about it. "Oh boyoh! another Sciddie!" i thought as i stopped wasting my bullets, he was bleeding like a pig in a butchery, but was far from slowed down or crippled or in any way affected by my attempt in modern art. I booked it, started sprinting towards bushes and zombies, hoping i'd be faster than him untill my combat-timer stops showing me the no-no-red, i could hear him sing behind me, it was the most creepy singing i've ever heard. as soon as i found one of those inpenetrable bushes i walked around it and went prone, my combat-timer finally at a rest. I logged out as fast as humanily possible. My heart was racing and i could feel the adrenaline rushing through me. This is the very first time i survived the attack of a sciddie! VICTORY, AT LAST!

Now if you excuse me, i have to change my pants.

PS: Yes, i'm a huge, jumpy wuss.

Edited by CyanidC
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