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My First Clean Double-Kill in DayZ

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I've gotten multiple double/triple-kills before in a firefight etc. but none as clean as this.

Scenario: I was scoping my way up to Stary and was then going to advance to meet with some clanmates but came across an enemy, and then another; I was planning on waiting for my teammates to turn up in an SUV and gun them down with their power in numbers, but I came across an opportunity too good to miss and went for the shot(s).

If you're wondering about why the K.O.S (Killing on sight) this is on a clan vs clan server where we're pretty much free to shoot the other clan if we come across them, but help our own clan as much as possible, I don't just play as a bandit :)

DayZHorror community:


Edited by R3con
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One or both had a bandit skin, didn't they? KILL 'EM ALL!

Good shooting.

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I believe the reason why there wasn't much recoil is because you were prone so the bipod is set.

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I believe the reason why there wasn't much recoil is because you were prone so the bipod is set.

I thought bipods only actually set when the ACE mod was in use?

Maybe that's just when standing and you set it on an object. I'm not sure.

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I believe the reason why there wasn't much recoil is because you were prone so the bipod is set.

It's m107 skillz breh :P

I thought bipods only actually set when the ACE mod was in use?

Maybe that's just when standing and you set it on an object. I'm not sure.

I think vanilla Arma 'sort-of' already takes the bipod into account e.g. if you go prone/lean your gun on an object it will have slightly less recoil, the feature isn't really too well-done and you don't have to actually have to manually set it but it does the job. I wonder if I would've gotten the double-kill if I was crouching :0 Edited by R3con

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I also have this video which is slightly less exciting but shows some decent shots at Stary:

1st shot

2nd shot

3rd shot

Music: Won't You Stay (Chords Mix 2) - Indivision & Livewire feat. Tasha Baxter

I do make a pretty big mistake (not changint position after a shot), but I learn from it :)

Hopefully the end of this video teaches some of you something too, instead of having to learn it the hard way!

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This time it's not at Stary but I kinda nail some guys on Panthera:

Shots are at

if you get bored, sorry I don't have any sort of commentary/voice for this, I accidentally disabled the thing to record stuff coming through my mic.

I started recording about 10 minutes in from spawning, completely new character on the private hive:


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