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Kidnapped In Namalsk

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That was hilarious! I love your attitude to the whole thing.

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Best vid I've seen in weeks. You have a great attitude and a voice for radio. Which server do you usually play on, I'll be your wingman any time!

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This is quite possibly my favorite video of the internet/Day Z that I can think of off of the top of my head. Thanks for posting!

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i would have told them to fuk off, but still a funny video..

ps why didnt you steal the truck ? they totaly let u get in first, i woulda got in as driver and made a break for it. haahah

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Thanks guys, much appreciated. Feel free to subscribe for more stuff like that, been doing DayZ lets plays for a while now.

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That was excellent and made me chuckle at work (wormates looking at me funny). I would have told them to fuck off too tbh but it wouldn't have made for a funny vid cos they would probably have shot me immediately (though a sneaky frag grenade could possibly have done the trick). Keep makin hilarious vids dood and you are welcome on our server anytime (details in sig).

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