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I have a problem when using my inventory!

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Ok so when I am playing DayZ and need to either bandage or eat/drink pretty much anything that need to use the right click in the inv It will flash and then go away and the only way it would work would be when the item was on the right corner of the inv when you see the outline of it but no writing. I am using arma 2 free from steam and bought version on OA from steam. Can someone please help me thanks.

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I've had this problem a couple of times. Seems to be related to the steam overlay. Pressing Shift+Tab to open the steam overlay seems to mess with the game, forcing it to think you're mashing the right arrow key or something, which cancels any right-click actions. Double tapping the Tab button seemed to fix it.

To check if you have this problem, opening the ESC menu should result in all the options flashing in order due to being rapidly scrolled through.

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I'm having the same problem... Anyone have another solution to it?

It's really hard to me use some itens, and others are impossible to use.

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I as well am having this issue. Its not a steam problem seeing how I am running it from a cfg file. I just need some direction as to where that problem might lie.

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Found a work around, doesn't fix the problem but holding ctrl seems to delay the right click menu enough so u can actually read and select what ever u need

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