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we are currently playing on a private server with password, active admins, as50 replaced by m40A3, no thermal, and good population around 16:00 -->

please see http://dayz.geveo.se/! there is no real need to register, as i can give you the password.

Edited by kamikazepowah

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Name: Sean

in-game: Sean

age: 15

country: USA

skype id: seanstitt69

steam id: (C.S.I) Virginslayer69 [M]

experience: 6 months

skills: sniper, CQB, pilot, driver, spotter.

prefered role: Medic Gatherer Sniper

favorite weapon: Any LMG

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Name: Vincent

in-game: Expertiese

age: 18

country: Belguim

skype id: Vincent.lodewyckx1

steam id: Expertiese (Not using it to much)

experience: 5-6 months

skills: Pilot , driver , Spotter , Sniper , Close combat , parachuting under 60 m (lol)

prefered role: Close combat / Sniper

Less skilled : English ok but after 10hours of dayz it gets kinda bad.

favorite weapon: m40a3(Also been replaced on the server i play on ) - CZ550 - M24

Please contact me on skype if posible.

Edited by expertiese

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Name: Jonathan

in-game: Jonathan

age: 16

country: Belgium

skype id: Nandomz1

steam id: [x] | Acsanzi

experience: A week (I learn very fast)

skills: Sniper, scouting, regular stuffs.

prefered role: Sniper , scout , medic

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Name: Bart

in-game: Flapman

age: 16 (17 next month)

country: The Netherlands

skype id: Flapman.NL

steam id: Flapmannl

experience: 4 months

skills: Driver, CQB

prefered role: Medic, Infantry

favorite weapon: AK47

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Name: Andy

in-game: Andyy

age: 17

country: England

skype id: andybutler18

steam id: carbonrooney

experience: 4 months

skills: sniper, medic, team player and calm under pressure.

prefered role: assault medic or support. Maybe sniper or spotter if u need one. I dont mind ;)

Weapon of choice - M24 or M4

Edited by andyb11

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Name: Jamie

in-game: jamie

age: 18

country: Uk

skype id: jammy_dodger94

steam id: jammy_dodger4

experience: 5 months

skills: Sniper, Pilot, Driver,Accurate,Spotter.CQB, Team Player,

prefered role:Sniper / sniper support

favorite weapon:m24,AS50

Edited by Silent_Jamie

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Name: Michael

in-game: mickZURINSKAS

age: 16

country: Scotland

skype id: mickZURINSKAS

steam id: Madzink

experience: 4 months but I have an additional 3 months from playing normal Arma 2

skills: Fast, Driver, Team player, Accurate, Stealthy

prefered role: Assault/Medic

favorite weapon: Akm

Edited by mickZURINSKAS

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Name: Brandon

in-game: Brandon (Creative, right?)

age: 16

country: USA. (I'm on at wierd times which would apply to EU times.)

skype id: UnbornAssassin

steam id: [x] | UnbornAssassin

experience: 4ish months

skills: sniper, assault, driver, spotter, support

prefered role: Sniper / support

favorite weapon: AS

If you can please contact me via skype, I don't use steam too often. Thanks

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