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Looking for a popular GMT+1/13 server

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Hello. I've decided to find myself a new private hive server.

I'm looking for a server with active and decent amount of people (20-30 ish - prefer under 50). Whitelist is fine.

I also like to play at night some days, so if it's a server that always has active players on, that would be great.

I prefer daylight, so daylight 24/7 would be the best, and as mentioned a GMT+1 or GMT+13 because that's my in-real life time.

Hoping for some answers! :)




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i am an australian living in norway so i tend to play on norwegian servers due to better ping and the abundance of english.hives don't seem to list where they are all the time so i use ping as a guide.it also helps to check out any web sites listed by admins in the hive descriptions.i also don't play much on chernarus any more so i'm not familiar with hives for that map , however i use a server run by http://www.fmfclandivision.com/ when i play fallujah and namalsk and i have found most on there to be decent people and have even teamed up randomly with one or two people.sorry i cannot be more specific , but a bit of trial and error might be in order.i am not in the for mentioned clan , but big clans do a better job of administrating.

hope this helped a bit ,

good luck and stay frosty.

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