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Dayz - UK 381 (hosted by Jaegerbomb)

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Character name: Jaegerbomb

Reason: Using hacks, invincible, spawning helicopters, not dying when being shot etc.

So, me and some friends tried to find a server to play on, there are hackers everywhere.

So we joined Dayz - UK 381 (hosted by jaegerbomb)

after a few seconds, a helicopter lands next to us, a character named Jaegerbomb lands the helicopter

and writes "friendly".

After a few seconds, he landed the chopter like 200 meters away, shots us all with an as50,

my friend shot him 3 times in the head with an ak, he started to bleed so thats why he landed.

I saw him bleed like hell from my as50 scope but he just wouldn't die.. I shot him 5 times with an as50.

Then after like 5 minutes he kicked us all from the server, and restarted it, so we couldn't get our items from the corpses ;)

God damn idiots.. Either play this game normally or GTFO.,

God damn scrubs.

Edited by Andromancis

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